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Everything posted by ScubaCinci

  1. As a gun proponent, I'm wiling to compromise for disallowing large magazine capacities even though I think it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference for people bent on mayhem. If it makes the anti-gun, tree huggers happy and feel safe and secure in their beds, I can live with it. We all know that if they banned cases and kegs and only allowed the sale of six packs, it would curb drinking
  2. Recon..your URLs link to the same article. Scott, google the title of this thread and you'll find a ton of comparisons...I came across a link yesterday that give a very good list of pro and cons but I'll be damned if I can find it again. I was more curious as to what the general consensus here was. I should have done a poll. *EDIT* here is a good link http://survivalcache.com/part-3-best-survival-carbine-ar-style-rifle-bug-out-rifle/
  3. When I was in the gun shop the other night, several guys got into a big debate in the store as to which is "better". There were only 2 piston AR's left and I thought there may be a fight over them at one point. It's probably the equivalent of a motor oil thread but I'm sure some people have strong opinions one way or the other. So which do you prefer and why? I think I prefer the DI because it has less weight and you're not stuck with a proprietary piston system. However, the fact that they get dirtier and take longer to clean isn't so great.
  4. Maybe so...as I said, I'm not expert. I only know what I read on the interwebs which is all truth according to the tv lady who's dating that French model guy.
  5. I personally would add to that "Please instruct me as to how you would like me to proceed." to show that you are willing to be compliant as well as showing respect which tends to go over well.
  6. I stopped by PB this evening as well to pick up my M4. A guy was there buying an FN SCAR that they put out on the floor about an hour previous. Had I seen it, I would have bought it too and sold the M4. There were still a fair amount of people there but they had what looked to be a crapload of DPMS AR's. I'm not expert by any stretch but DPMS are ok but are cheaper because they use lesser materials and build processes than some of the more expensive ones like Daniel Defense, etc.
  7. My wife and I joined earlier this year.
  8. I'll sell you my unfired DD M4 for [Dr Evil]two hundred million-billion dollars[/Dr Evil]
  9. I'm more worried about the idiots driving on the streets or the pilot flying the plane I'm on than whether or not they have firearm. I guess what I'm saying is there are a lot more things out there that have a greater opportunity for negatively impacting me than John Suckygunowner down the street so while I agree it's a small concern, I'll not be losing sleep over it. In all cases, there's not a whole lot I can do about them but make sure I do my part right.
  10. So to be clear, you're complaining about the "panic buying" impact your ability to buy shit? BTW - I don't see it as panic buying...maybe for some. I've had a mind to pick up an auto-rifle for some time now but just never got around to doing it. The recent events have just re-priotitized it for me to make it happen now. I'm sure there are some that never considered buying one and are just doing it because they probably will never get the chance in the future.
  11. Not sure if I mentioned this on here or not but the FBI simply stopped taking calls last night for background checks. They literally were picking up the phone and hanging up (according to the guys at the shop). As such, I (and about 8 other guys) couldn't take it home last night but put down a deposit instead until they get that step complete. I wasn't going to have time to do anything with it this week anyway so no biggie for me.
  12. Point blank had about 10 or more DPMS models left when I exited...they were in the $800 range. Channel 5 was doing a news report there and I was in the background on three or four shots haha. I stayed facing the other way though...don't need to advertise that I'm buying a hugely dangerous weapon that has no place in the hands of civilians.
  13. We can all meet up and shoot one day and you can try my G26. If you're really lucky, you can fire my Sig 229
  14. $1500They said they were getting a shipment in tomorrow so you might check in with them. What the shipment contains - they didn't know for sure.
  15. This is what I ended up with today...pretty nice https://danieldefense.com/rifles/carbine-length/daniel-defense-m4-carbine-v1-lw-lightweight-barrel.html Sights recommendations?
  16. I bought one tonight at POint Blank in Blue Ash...they mostly only had DPMS' left when I left today. The place was a frickin zoo.
  17. Ah, a little far for me.
  18. Ban everything and change the country name to North Korea!
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