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Everything posted by ScubaCinci

  1. Probably because as a legal carrier of a firearm, you have to be DAMN sure that who you even draw on is a real threat or you are in a world of hurt. LEO's have a bit more leeway on when they can actually draw their weapon.
  2. The only reservation I have about teachers carrying is at some point, one will get careless or a student bent on mayhem will get ahold of it and do something tragic. It would only be a matter of time I'm afraid. Still, if it prevents more than it causes it would be a good thing.
  3. I don't disagree with a lot of what you had to say. Some of my thoughts (not arguments): Gun bans are an ineffectual band-aid that doesn't address the root of the problem. They keep honest people honest and those with the will and means will do what it takes to get what they want. This is plainly evidenced with illegal drugs. This can and has been argued ad naseum. Passing laws to force people to properly lock up their firearms is only enforceable AFTER an event such as this. Unless they plan on surprise inspections. I wholeheartedly dissapprove of any law that does not have a practical and consistent method of enforcement. The mental health issue is a big one. 1 person out of 100 is schizophrenic. 10% suffer from depression and 22% suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder. (per the CDC) The lack of parenting skills and the fact that the cost of living is so high, both parents must work to make ends meet means many kids are not given a proper upbringing and taught the value of life. Instead they are "babysat" by video games, TV and the streets. There weren't as many problems like this in the 50's and 60's and there were just as many guns around. Ask any teacher how engaged most parents are in their kids' lives - very few anymore.
  4. Jesus...how could you even understand what I wrote!?!? I had like three typos it should've read: They both liked the trigger action better on the Glock than the xd and I shot the xd and the pull... You understood it though
  5. I'm going to stop by the gun shop today. I know they have a fari amount of various semi-auto rifles in stock this last weekend. I actually had looked at the Sig 551 A1 (I'm a fan of Sigs) but I wanted to do some more research on them. Certainly not the variety options as the AR has.
  6. There's a few things in there I never considered.
  7. ScubaCinci

    AR-15 or?

    With the assault rifle ban looking like it will be reinstated (my opinion- if you disagree I'm not interested in why) I'm going to do what I've been putting off and get an AR-15 or similar. So, I'm starting to look at options, etc. Yes, I know, parts, etc are hard to come by. Any recommendations on components/brands or other models besides the AR? Anything to stay away from? I'd be buying purely for target shooting/recreation. There are lot of knowledgeable people on here so school me!
  8. Point Blank...they have a rifle range and a guy I know at work who first told me about it said you can shoot AR's and similar there. Their site doesn't say specifically though so I'm gonna stop by this weekend and see. **EDIT** now that I look, this what their site says in the fine print - "Rifle range can accommodate up to .308 everyday! Big Boom Night, Wednesdays 7-9pm, every caliber is welcome except 50BMG or armor piercing ammo" I have a friend in STL who's dad owns a gun shop. He said he can get me parts etc for good prices so we'll see. I need to research what to get though.
  9. That's some good stuff...had a few at dinner the other night.
  10. A civil war? Doubtful. A revolutionary war? Maybe. When enough of the population has nothing to lose, revolution is ripe. I think we are a long way off from that unless substantial changes are implemented.
  11. In my CCW class, there were a couple of guys shooting an xd45 and I let them try the G26. The both liked the trigger action better on the Glock and the xd and I shot the xd and the pull felt "gritty" if that makes any sense. It was practically brand new so it wasn't in bad shape or anything.
  12. Thanks for clarifying...I had read the differences somewhere and none of them really mattered too much to me either way so they didn't stick in my head.
  13. Gen 4 also has a difference in the spring although offhand it escapes me and I can't be looking up gun stuff at work
  14. Nice...it's great that the bad guys are generally too stupid or lazy (or both!) to service their weapons.
  15. This. I ordered one of these for my gen 4...perfect! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001AT1GJE/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00 I keep one mag with it on and another without as some cc methods may not work as well with the extension.
  16. Some interesting stats here: http://nbcpolitics.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/12/18/15977143-gun-control-offers-no-cure-all-in-america?lite
  17. I'm having a big ass fort knox safe built right into my new house. Someone posted an interesting vid on safes here...check it out if you haven't already
  18. true...like poetry, long walks on the beach, the gentle sea breeze and poking dead things with a stick
  19. I knew it a long time ago...I just enjoyed saying it
  20. You are a naughty girl, aren't you?
  21. There's a famous quote that says something like "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it". I think that applies here. That said, the things these people do I find to be abhorrent and dispicable. I also believe that if ignored, they would go away but we as a country have little appetite for ignoring those that beg for attention. I bring you exhibit A - Honey Boo Boo. smh
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