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Posts posted by ScubaCinci

  1. I realized something today. My work subsidizes a portion of my monthly cell bill because I use my cell phone for work purposes. I checked with Verizon and if I add an additional line (shared data), it's $20 more bucks a month on my plan so for me, not much extra spend. So, I buy an Android phone, use it for personal stuff and keep my iPhone for work stuff. Then if I decide that I prefer iOS, I don't lose my settings, apps, etc, etc. and I can sell the Android. If the opposite happens. I can get rid of the iPhone :) I could take my time for Android evaluation and see how the iPhone X pans out in the meantime. Just might be a plan...;)

  2. 2 hours ago, Tonik said:

    Screen burn in is kind of a BS story. It's image retention of the nav bar, not burn in. Very typical of AMOLED screens. I am sure the noise issue is software and will be fixed next update. The blue tint at an angle thing is a big deal. I can't imagine using it on my bikes handlebars for Nav with that issue. Doubt that is fixable.

    Not so sure...image retention goes away, this is a pretty good demonstration of what's happening. I'd definitely want the XL over the smaller one.


  3. A lot of complaints about the new Pixel 2 phones going on...blue tint on the screen at even moderate angles, screen burn in happening in a few weeks, and now people are complaining about a whine or other noises coming from the phone. I went and looked that these and the S8+ yesterday and while I'd rather have the pure Android OS and be on Oreo, the S8+ just has a lot more hardware features and I can find it on sale for well under $800.

    I played with the S8+ for a while and it's really a nice device. I'm still on the fence about what to do but I'm actually leaning towards Android. I may still try to order an iPX and flip it on eBay for a mint :lol:Not that money is an issue for me but for nearly $1200, I don't see the value proposition - especially when compared to some of the Android phones. I'm just not sold on the face recognition thing either. I think it will work just fine but feel like there will be a lot of circumstances where a fingerprint sensor is more convenient (e.g. when phone is mounted in the car and you want to unlock it to start GPS - do I do the Detroit lean???). If I pay $1200 for something and I find it annoying, not a good situation.

  4. 34 minutes ago, Steve Butters said:

    Sounds like your mind was made up from the start.... I wish I could get my 10 minutes back from reading this thread 

    Not really...I'd like to change things but up I need more of a reason than I just want something different. If it were $50 and 10 minutes of time to migrate over sure...

    I honestly hadn't taken an in-depth look at Android stuff in several years. The more I look into it, the less attractive changing becomes. For all of the gripes Apple haters have about the iPhones/iOS, they sure do also have a lot of gripes about the Android phones and the OS...lack of ongoing support/updates, buggy BlueTooth, boot loops, proprietary software hate (i.e. Samsung Touchwiz), etc. At the end of the day, they all have their positives and shortcomings. Pick your poison. I'm not going to spend a lot of time and money to switch to not really gain anything worthwhile. the iPhone/iOS is offering a lot of the features that I used to think were cool and could only be found on Android or a jailbroke iPhone. Now that disparity has whittled away to very little which was surprising for me...

  5. So far, there isn't much compelling me to go through the "pain" of switching. Pain being gettig used to a new OS and all the buances, as well as migrating my data and finding equivalent apps for ones that are platform agnostic (there are just a few).

    In general the hardware isn't much different from device to device and they all essentially do the most of the same things on the software side, albeit a little differently. Android is more open with their OS which allows for much more customization but hand in hand with that it can be less secure and phone makers generally quit giving legacy devices updates (even for security holes) after a few short years. Outside of the Google made devices, OS updates are slow to come out, if at all. This is the reason the Pixel 2 appeals to me because I know I'll get timely OS updates and no brand specific software/bloatware (as comes with LG, Samsung, etc phone) that I'll probably need to root the phone to ditch. The LG V30 and Samsung S8+ are alternative options though. Not crazy about the fingerprint sensor placement on the Samsung but probably has the best display on the market where the LG display is the same that's in the Pixel 2 XL which is decent. Their camera's are all pretty good...meet my needs at least. If I was doing "real" photography, I'd break out my DSLR anyway.
    What I find kind of funny is the Pixel 2 is supposed to be one of the best Android phones to come out on probably the most expensive. Android users always made fun of Apple for being late with hardware changes or lack of options with the hardware. Pixel 2 - no expandable storage, no user replaceable battery, no wireless charging, and no headphone jack (the very thing Google poked fun at Apple for not having). WTF?

  6. Honestly, customization of the home screen doesn't do anything for me. I can show a lot of those things on my watch if I want as a complication but I don't have it display anything but the date and time. Occasionally when I travel, I'll add another time zone clock to show but that's about it. iOS does have something similar but it requires a swipe to see it (phone can still be locked) so not quite as handy.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    BTW, if you go Pixel do NOT get it from Verizon. It will be bootloader locked. Get it from Google. You can also get some killer deals on the Pixel 1 right now.

    That's good to know. One of the reasons I'm looking at the Pixel 2 is for the better camera. The camera quality is a big factor for me.

  8. Just to change things up...same reason I lease cars - because I like to get something different every few years. I'm a gadget/techie so the openness of the Android platform appeals to me but the practical side of me says the same thing, if it ain't broke don't fix it. There's nothing particularly compelling for switching.

  9. 1 minute ago, JustinNck1 said:

    The one plus of the new phone plans, no contract is locking you in for 2 years so worse case scenario, you pay off the phone and switch back, sell the phone to recoup any losses.

    Yeah, I thought of that...I would just lose some continuity in apps that don't carry over. The biggest of which is a financial account ledger app. Losing Apple watch funcitonality is pretty big because I use it to track my steps which syncs to my phone and is reported to a company called RedBrick my health insurance is tied to. If I do enough activity daily, I earn credits towards my healthcare premiums which saves me $500 annually. I'm probably do the same with a Samsung watch but I'd have to buy one...

  10. I've been using an iPhone since their second version and I'm considering maybe switching up to Android :wtf: I'm on the fence about it.

    I'd just kind of like to just to change things up. In my mind, only a handful of downsides...
    - I'll have to re-buy some apps. There are a few that I use regularly that aren't on Android but there are alternatives.
    - won't work with my Apple watch as well (i.e. I lose a lot of functionality)
    - Most of my friends/family have iPhones so I lose some functionality with them with iMessage, find my friends (I use this a lot with my wife to see if she's left work yet or not because she works late a lot), etc.
    - I like that I can back up my phone to iTunes and if something happens I can restore it like nothing happened
    - I have an Apple store close by that I can go to if I have issues.
    - I have an iPad, Apple TV, MacBook Pro but that doesn't really impact the phone I use other than data synching across the devices. I also have a Surface Pro and a PC so I'm not 100% Apple.

    Maybe there are alternatives/solutions/mitigations to the above downsides and if I'm ever going to switch, I have to start sometime to extricate myself from their ecosystem.

    I'm not unhappy with my 7+ at all, I just like to change things up sometimes. I had an android burner phone briefly when I drowned my iPhone and wasn't thrilled with it but it was an older model phone (even at that time) and I literally used it for 3 weeks.

    Any other considerations and/or phone model recommendations? At this point I'd likely go with the Pixel 2 XL or the Samsung Galaxy S8+ or Note. The new Samsung's are nice but I like the fact that the Google phones are an unmodified OS where Samsung et al use customized flavors of the OS. Though it's disappointing that the Pixel 2 doesn't support memory cards which is the biggest feature iPhone's lack.

  11. I started back to work this week (from home). Got a cast put on last week that I’ll be in for the rest of the month. Then I going to a boot with minimal weight-bearing and progress from there until finally I can walk without assistance.  For now rolling around on the scooter and mainly staying home. If I had known how nice the weather was going to be this fall, I would've put the surgery off until later so I could ride more ?


  12. On 8/8/2017 at 9:19 PM, snot said:

    Almost 10 down.... 

    You would think I would sleep better....not the case. Still working on what to eat. Fruit veggies and lean meat. Staying at 1200-1400 calories a day.

    I haven't kept up with this thread but have you had your RMR measured? That will give you an idea of how many calories your body will burn a day if you did nothing and you can base your calorie count on that. 1200 calories is the bare minimum anyone should eat and sometimes eating too little has a counterproductive impact as your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto all the fat it can.

  13. Thanks guys...yep all done. Now the crappy part...no weight bearing for 6-8 weeks and then lots of therapy.  :nono: But looking forward to not having chronic pain and being able to exercise without having to deal with that on top of the old man pains.

  14. ...until I go under the knife to take care of my Achilles tendon. Got my last ride of the season done yesterday and the bikes are all winterized and put away. I even have my knee scooted all tricked out...



    Been working like a fiend to get things in order before I'm out of office so I haven't been around much. Not looking forward to this (I had might right one done 5 years ago when it tore) but I can't continue with it the way it is.

  15. 1 hour ago, Tonik said:

    How do you import a custom route into a navigation program on an iPhone?

    You can...just not with Sygic which is an app specific limitation, not the OS (though it's been many months since I've tried, they may have done an update and it may be good to go now).

  16. 9 minutes ago, flashesbuck said:

    Also, how much you wanna bet that, the wireless charging is no way compatible with anything Samsung or anyone else has ever made!

    Might not want to put money on that...(hint: it uses the Q1 wireless charging standard which just about everyone else in the industry uses).

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