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Posts posted by ScubaCinci

  1. 1 minute ago, DerekClouser said:

    He said no 'good' tablets.  

    You're welcome. 

    I have an iPad Pro (the smaller one) and a Surface Pro 4. The SP4 is great as a laptop, clumsy but usable as a tablet. I've had issues with the pen (replacing the tip seemed to fix it) and periodically I have issues with it recognizing the keyboard to the point where I have to do a hard reboot. The iPad Pro is nice, the pencil works great but I would never use it as a laptop or for any sizable business type efforts (i.e. documents, spreadsheets, etc).

  2. 1 hour ago, Tonik said:

    Lots of great innovative features:

    Facial recognition. (4 years ago with Android)

    Wireless charging. (2 years ago with Android)

    Water resistance.  (3 years ago with Android)

    Awesome new screen. (Made by Samsung)

    So iTards, you are paying a grand for a 2 to 4 year old Android phone. Enjoy.

    Are there any Android devices out there that have all the features of the iPhone X and actually work well? I don't think so. I've heard the facial recognition is crap on Android and can be defeated with a picture of the person. I have no first hand experience so that could be inaccurate - just what I've read.

    I get tired of hearing that Android had x first, etc. etc. Not trying to be an Apple fanboi here but yeah, the features are generally found across the universe of Android phones. But, when you are looking at android phones, there are a number of manufacturers on different development cycles who don't necessarily care if the hardware meshes with the generic android OS - quite the opposite, most have customizations in the software to make it fit their hardware. So yeah, android generally comes out with functionality earlier but it's coming from multiple companies on variable timelines vs a single company that has a pretty consistent product update/release cycle.

    Android vs Apple is a tired debate. I'm also personally tired of Apple's ego stroking press events and product unveils and there are a large number of sheeple drones that clamor for anything Apple. I'm pretty invested in their ecosystem so I continue on, but I don't have any major complaints. If I had to switch platforms, I don't think I'd be unhappy about it other than all of the apps I've paid for that I'd have to leave behind. I do like the Apple watch and definitely feel like it currently has no peer in terms of functionality and ease of use so that alone keeps me on the Apple side of things. Some of the new Android phones from Samsung and Google are pretty nice but I'll stay put for now.

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  3. 9 hours ago, NinjaDoc said:

    So planning on freeze on all major guys. Hope it's oky, since I don't plan on using any of the service for couple of years. Sound plan? 

    This is the way to go

  4. On 7/21/2017 at 6:02 PM, 2talltim said:

    Mine would probably be the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan. Just remember my mom crying and asking the TV why do people keep wanting to kill the President and dad telling us at the dinner table about all the evil people in the world. I would have been about 6. 

    This...I just remember it being a big deal but not exactly where I was when I heard it. The next would be the Challenger disaster. I was getting off the school bus and the bus driver told us which was a weird way to find out. I ran in the house and watched the coverage.

  5. This is what I'm afraid of when I have my Achilles surgery in Sept...6-8 weeks no weight bearing at all :cry: So, I've been busting ass...not necessarily trying to lose weight but just get in the best shape possible so it's not so tough to bounce back. I've decided to run 5k's (on my own, not organized) and keep doing them to see how fast I can finish them. The first one I did I averaged about 12 min/mi and the last one I did (5th one) I was just barely over 10 min/mi though I think I could've done better on that one as I started out slow, trying to pace myself and ended up finishing hard so I guess I could've pushed a little harder early on.


    My goal is to get to 9 min or below by mid Sept. which I think is realistic and what I would consider to be a very good time for my gender/age which (according to the web) is a 10.5 min/mi avg.

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  6. I have a silver and white one and neither have leaked on me. That said, I try to avoid riding in the rain so I don't do a lot of it but have definitely been in heavy rain in both and not had leaks. That's a bummer man. For the price of these, they shouldn't leak and if they aren't designed to not leak, it should be disclosed up front "not designed to be used in the rain" or some such shit.

  7. Well, I guess I won't be heading up that way on Saturday...I got "volunteered" for some bullshit hassle in the AM. :mad: I don't mind helping people but a little notice would be nice and maybe some reciprocity? :rant:

    Maybe Sunday but I had ear marked that day for some other things I needed to get done.

  8. Keto/low carb diet worked great for me before. When I tried it last year, I just couldn't do it anymore. I would eat a big steak, some salad, veggies - a good amount of food and walk away with my stomach growling. It just wasn't satisfying anymore. That said, I've recently cut the number of carbs I'm eating but nothing like before. Last time I was eating <40g of carbs per day (subtracting out the fiber).

  9. 55 minutes ago, motocat12 said:

    re 91(1)   maybe go to IP after lunch so your car's not broken into. A teen was shot in the park to the SE of there yesterday.

    Who the fuck is going to be driving a car :lol:

    Thanks for the tip though...bastard heroin junkies are everywhere

  10. I ran my own personal 5k for the 4th time in 2 weeks after work today. Was damn hot but I averaged just under 10.5 min/mi which isn't too bad for an old guy who has severe tendonitis in his Achilles that will be surgically repaired in September! I've never liked running much but it gets results...

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