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Everything posted by turnone

  1. I'm out on 28-129-143-165-68-17-76. We are currently taking out stop at corner of 60 and 180. 143 and 60 were a blast so far. Chris
  2. Let me know how chandler is doing if you see him out and about. Thanks! Chris
  3. Does the 545 cabin firepit supersede the op statement about Saturday night? Chris
  4. Good time overall. Got the RS125 back in action after bringing it up from the dropoff. Where do I pickup the vodka? And any rides that I can tag along with tomorrow? Perfer faster group. Chris
  5. Someone please bring me a fifth of vodka brand doesn't matter. Thanks.
  6. Speedo is pretty much correct. I wasn't going very fast as I didn't have on my gear. Hit the apex of the corner and drift wide and you will miss the puddle completely. Chris
  7. I do vote SV650 as well and I don't generally like Suzuki's. But this bike can do it all. Mutliple varietes for speed and comfort. Plenty of motor. But it comes down to what turns YOU on. I know what I like. I do recommend male riders start small and work up because they have big ego and can do stupid things. You appear to be very level headed. So 650 sounds about right. Ducati Monster (not the 1100) would also be a good choice. My kids start on the 50, then 125 or 250. Then they can get something like SV650. So what type of bike turns you on? I rule out cruisers for all beginers as they dont' turn or stop well, therefore I consider them much more dangerous and should only be ridden by experienced riders. Chris
  8. Is this affected by the Stubbs Mills road closure right now? Chris
  9. I have 4 boys. I start them out street riding on the Aprilia RS50. My 17 just started riding on the street this year and already put 2K miles on the 50. He is ready to move up to the 125. I let him ride it a few times already. He still has a lot to learn, but he is pretty quick. Riding around the 50 teaches you to conserve momentum. My younger boys don't have any interest in riding Chandler expressed no interest at all until this spring, but since has become very interested in all things bikes. My oldest has a Ninja 250 now He is a freshman at OSU. Good bike for him. I don't care for it much, other than it looks pretty good. He doesn't have a desire to go quickly around corners (yet). Chris
  10. Trailering down. Taking my 4th and 6th graders to hang with the GP's while we play. Chris
  11. Me and Chandler,my 17 yo son, are coming. He'll be on the Aprilia RS125 and I'll be on the Duc. Splitting room with Kent (Howabusa). We are excited! Please add us to the list. Chris
  12. Thanks for the compliment. I would love to trade places with you for a bit, especially if it includes a few CRP and PIRC sessions I Look forward to the next round. PIRC was a great track. That size allows more time between shifts, far easier on my achilles. Chris
  13. I'd love to join a ride. I live in Lebanon. Was out on 123 east of 350 tonight between 8-9 PM. Fun time breaking in the new Duc. Chris
  14. Here are some pictures. First at dealership.
  15. Took 42E just outside of the dealership and rode that back to Florence Yall. Then ran the slab home from there. 42 was nice ride. Thanks! Chris
  16. Going to pick up my brand new Ducati 1199 / ABS either this afternoon or tomorrow morning. Would like some advice as roads to take on the way home. First one to say I-71 loses. Chris
  17. Some of these people that think Obama cheated to win, probably believe the Bush election was perfectly fair, being decided by the Supreme court in 2000. And Bush lost the popular vote. Just makes me think they like to turn the truth upside down and repeat it enough times to where the facts actually don't matter any more. Chris
  18. Oh yes you can. About 50% of the US population is doing this right now, if not on Guns, it's about something else I would say you shouldn't condemn a man for things he hasn't done.... Chris
  19. Funny. I am a gun owner, I grew up hunting and fishing in TN and NC. I'm still a pretty good shot. I respect the rights of others to pretty much do as they please. I just don't like hearing lies and scare tactics spread around. The fact is that a portion, probably significant portion, of the Democratic base support tighter gun laws, so Obama, can't really say much on the issue at all for fear of upsetting the base or the gun owners. He is being defamed from both sides. But the fact remains that the biggest gun legislation was to loosen restrictions on guns, yet all we hear about is how he is so anti gun. I don't understand it, other than to keep NRA busy, promote the sale of guns and to help undermine Obama's chance at reelection. I don't believe Obama will make any significant gun control push during the second term. But I can't say this with 100% confidence. Chris
  20. Yes, the truth is you can't rule it out, but you don't live your life based upone small possiblities do you? You may have overlooked the remainder of the page that basically says, this is recycled crap that hasn't been based on facts.
  21. I'm just saying I would hardly label Obama the anti-gun president. The title of banning a million guns gives the lay person the impression that 1 million guns are being banned that are currently in the USA and held by private people when in fact it's just banning an unknown quantity of old military rifles. Hardly a huge deal to most people. I'm not saying it is right, I say allow the importation but I won't get my panties in a wad over this. Most of this anti Obama stance is to promote gun sales. If the NRA and Gun shops convince everyone their rights are being taken away, many people flock to the gun shops to stock up. I like the NRA, but it's like the unions, even if the working conditions are good and pay is good, they have to continue to fight for something as the union bosses and employees of the union have to do something to keep their jobs. Hate Obama or any president all you want, but being anti gun doesn't hold up well to the facts. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2012/feb/13/wayne-lapierre/nra-leader-says-barack-obama-endorsed-total-ban-ha/ Chris
  22. Gun sales are at an all time high. Obama did sign the bill to allow firearms in national parks. Chris
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