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Everything posted by slingingchic

  1. I'm sure he's done signed up already, waiting for his activation unless they are familiar with his IP addresses that he's used to deny him
  2. Grrrrrrrr.... remind be to bitchslap him I'm kidding... I don't beat up on people like Exarch does (admits it was his wife's fault to begin with) and he is a security guard?
  3. What man would? When all else fails, start calling chic's you don't know foul names... I feel bad for those who are actually involved in his life. They must be so proud of him.
  4. haha!! so will this cum gargling bitch
  5. Loud noise=peacefully sleeping kids being woke up. That's how this got on that subject. Speeding through that area isn't driving recklessly??? He also stated it was 200 yards away from his neighborhood. According to the map, there is a building along the strip they race on, you think that reduces the sound? And Im the cunt? yeah...
  6. Originally I was inquiring about your mad parenting...not about your kids specifically. Asking if you felt your children would be safe while someone is racing on your street is not a direct attack towards them. You came back stating I am a bad parent then gave me negative rep for "I'm not a bad parent like you, sorry." Read your posts before you start crying I was attacking YOUR family! Stating kids run out into the street is not an attack either, it's a fact! Calling me all those names because of your insecurity as a parent is pretty childish!
  7. Oh, it's okay. I enjoy being an emo white trash bitch stupid cum gargling bitch and a cunt....
  8. YOU.... SPELLED IT WRONG!!! I'm making fun of you... apparently you're that god damn stupid to even see that? I simply pointed out that you apparently don't mind loud noise, you sleep through any sound.... you claim you have kids. Wouldn't bother you if they woke up from this? I guess not because you'd still be sleeping.... Say your out driving with your kids and someone drag racing crashes into you... but that's okay because there isn't anything wrong with it. I'm sure your wife is proud of you and slingbitch, go fuck yourself, I'm sure you're a white trash emo bitch by the way you described yourself. Shouldn't you be watching your kids while they play in the street? Crack is wack..
  9. You've read his shit... there is NO meaning to anything he posts!
  10. You pay attention to your kids 24/7 while you're posting your entire fucking useless information on here? Guess your kids don't ride a fucking bike or skateboard, take walks? Ride in a fucking car with you? You must have them tied on fucking chains in your. Instillation apartment. Doesn't sound like you let your kids be kids
  11. I'm guessing you have no respect for the safety of your own children then? If one were to run out in the street and got hit by some random fucktard racing and being careless ? Are your kids sound sleepers as well? Or you too occupied on here and don't pay attention to them?
  12. Hope he returns soon or lets someone know he's okay
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5Y9JqljFlA&sns=em You'd think the face biting shit would get old. Very trendy
  14. I agree 100%!!! Its not like she asked to be put in birth control lol
  15. Its hair.... so if she had blonde hair some low lights would be out as well? How about boys, mohawks are questionable? Its her way to express herself. She isn't going to be in pigtails and ribbons forever.
  16. My mom never said yes either, I never asked, just did it. She didn't know bout hair until a couple months afterward, she worked 2nd shift. My tattoos. She didn't know about for 2 years. She suggested highlights to fix my hair.
  17. It was a black man driving the zombie truck.... just sayin.
  18. My daughter just got highlights this year, she will be 13 in October. She has no desire at all to wear make up. I know when I was at her age I was far beyond highlights, used to dye our hair with kool aide until we discovered manic panic, then there was the lets shave half of my head era. Also used India ink from art class to do a couple old school tattoos. All done by age 13! Also my husband says I should include a fact here, I grew up on the corner of Cox and Johnson! True Story!
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