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Everything posted by Bradycook

  1. Mike and Doris took partial ownership of Crispy Cream in Chillicothe, Ohio. They were riding along doing fine and a drunk hit them head on, killed them both. So Saturday June 30th there will be a memorial run, 10 dollars for rider 5 for passenger, so far estimated 300-400 bikes, registration starts at 10:00am at the harley shop in chillicothe (on eastern avenue).. Last bike in at 3:00pm.. So if you can make it, it would be appreciated. Thanks everyone
  2. I realize after I posted, this is in the wrong section haha will be up in another.
  3. New front signals would be great in my opinion, but still nicer than my bike lol
  4. Mike and Doris took partial ownership of Crispy Cream in Chillicothe, Ohio. They were riding along doing fine and a drunk hit them head on, killed them both. So Saturday June 30th there will be a memorial run, 10 dollars for rider 5 for passenger, so far estimated 300-400 bikes, registration starts at 10:00am at the harley shop in chillicothe (on eastern avenue).. Last bike in at 3:00pm.. So if you can make it, it would be appreciated. Thanks everyone
  5. Go straight to the discount section first, especially if you're a smaller guy, I bought my Zox helmet for 30 bucks there, jacket with armour 50, gloves with armour 10, saw boots for 40, should have got them but didn't end up doing it, I advise buying all black stuff, just so it matches any bike in the future..
  6. I may try and make it if you're gonna be slow enough for my 250 to keep up... Don't want people waiting up on me.
  7. Factory kit and towing on your insurance, chances are, if you cant fix it with the tool kit and zip ties, you're gonna need a part anyways..
  8. I pass on double yellow from time to time... But when I'm sure it's safe.. But in any case rest in peace buddy..
  9. Sportbikes are made to put you in position to react faster, easier the control at slow speeds, like parking lots, and are obviously faster, and corner better I ride a 250 ninja, and it feels good... I would NOT suggest getting a 600 or 1000 inline 4 sports bike for a first bike, but people do it, just take an honest evaluation of yourself before you decide to go buy a supersport, they will bite you in the butt fast... Buy a small bike, master it, and move on up. Then again a cruiser might be your thing, not my cup of tea though, lol..
  10. Bradycook

    6" stretch

    That looks pretty good, does it still corner as well being longer and all?
  11. Bradycook


  12. Bradycook


    If you have a 2007 ninja or down, you have your tail light, and two big, useless reflectors, those reflectors have holes in the back of them, I cut my fender so the part that covers all your wires was all that was left. then you wire your bulbs into those holes, to mount my tag I used two pieces of aluminum, but would recommends you go to a bike junk yard and find a mount to make work... Hope that helps someone!
  13. got it 5 months ago at 6k, 16k now... while I have rode my other bikes too lol
  14. I'm 17 and if I thought it was something I could get into, i'd buy the gear, but most of the time I don't wear my jacket..
  15. Feast just started, planning riding in with a few buddies.. So if you're lookin' to put away a Saturday, you know.
  16. Sweet man, I figured people were easy going around here.
  17. Looks nice, wonder if it will hold up
  18. Yeah a teen lol and nick, that's alright, as long as i'm WRONG not just stating an opinion..
  19. Thanks Casper, for the welcome message.. I'm a young rider just turned 17 in march, from the chillicothe area. My grandpa told me about the forum, he is "vintagerider", I ride a 2004 250 ninja mainly... That's it.
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