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Everything posted by Bitani

  1. That would be awesome if you could do that! That GFS is literally less than a minute away from my house. If you could keep me updated on what happens with this, that would be great as well. Thanks for the responses, all!
  2. She looks like a bug. I raise you this woman.
  3. The Girl Next Door, simply because Elisha Cuthbert...
  4. Could've been a lot worse at least.
  5. I would NEVER... *closes 17 tabs* :eek:
  6. http://tinyurl.com/abhf35m
  7. It's 2013. Shouldn't you all have figured out that Rooster's has the best wings by now?
  8. I don't even know if I should take this seriously... :confused:
  9. I got the sarcasm. Just making an observation. I promise I'm not that oblivious.
  10. 96.58% for No. He best know which way to vote on that one!
  11. There's 7 obvious gun related threads on the home page right now, and 5 obvious bike ones. Outside of riding season, this may as well be "Ohio Shooters."
  12. That. Is. So. Sexy. The fuel set-up in there is ridiculously cool. "Eh, I don't want to get race fuel... so I'll just make my own when it needs it!" Wonder how much cash has been dumped into that car?
  13. We were? Damn. That explains why I've never understood when my friends complain about never being able to find a job. I've always gotten them on first interview thus far.
  14. Thank ya for the offer sir, but a little far for me! Anybody else aware of any good offerings? Seen any "Hiring" signs or the like?
  15. Bitani

    Trapped whales

    I was about to say "Wasn't there a movie about this recently?"
  16. Ah, I was thinking fast food -restaurant- simply because I've seen so many people complain there in comparison to an actual sit-down one.
  17. I got that at the movie theater, but I'm positive it'd be even worse at a fast food place. So I can see that. "IT FIVE FITTY FOR DA NACHO!?!?"
  18. I am a senior in high school and recently quit my job at Best Buy. The hours, management, everything wasn't working out. SO I'm on the lookout for any opportunities for a teenager to get a job. Figured it would be worth it to see if anybody knew of any decent local jobs that were available. I'd MUCH rather work for a local business than a big ol' one. I've worked ever since I was able to (16) at a Rave movie theater for a year and a half as well as (obviously) Best Buy for about 4 months. Anybody have any suggestions, offerings, anything of the like? Thank ya!
  19. "Blames the system." Yeah... Way to force sympathy for herself.
  20. I <3 my GoPro. I've been hearing some bad things about the Hero3s, though. Don't know if they actually have any merit, but still.
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