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Everything posted by Bitani

  1. Indeed! As I said on "that other forum," never hesitate in inviting me on any rides. Whatever roads you choose seem to make my bike and me quite happy. Oh, and those pictures I took on the ferry? Turns out I had my front-facing camera on. So I just got a bunch of pictures of me. Yup, woulda been me! Whereabouts were you? And if anybody's a member of AFJ and wants to ride this Sunday (59 degrees, beautiful day!) I have a thread planning another ride. http://www.assfaultjunkies.com/showthread.php?22281-Sunday-12-16-Ride-NICE-weather-it-looks-like! I seem to post a lot of rides, haha. Love riding by myself, but having another person just rocks! Somebody always learns something.
  2. If there's no widget I wouldn't use it. Stuff like this always annoys the crap out of me when I can't just turn on the screen, hit a button and turn it off. Extra props if there's a way to make it pop up on the lock screen. Otherwise, good idea.
  3. Psht. 45 degrees isn't cold. Today was only 50, but freaking wonderful! Even when I started I wasn't out and about at like freezing temperature!
  4. Bitani

    Proof cops suck.

    I would assume this is like expired plates where if you update them they just drop the ticket. But that's pretty darn cool!
  5. It's even warmer outside today than yesterday! I'll be out riding regardless, but if somebody wants to man up against the burning 50 degrees, I'm available! Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
  6. It's in the 40s! Get on your gear and be merry!
  7. Sounds fine to me. You know better roads than I! I only have to be back up here by 6, so I've got basically all day. I sent you a text.
  8. Ahh, I gotcha. Will do next time. Gracias. Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
  9. This. I'm just imagining ATGATT preachers for this, haha. I didn't read anything about heating! Am I missing that? Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
  10. Looks like it's going to warm (for winter) up later. I'll be out riding if anybody wants to join in. Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
  11. Sign me up! I should definitely be free the 30th.
  12. ..what? There's no way that thing is lane-splitting between regular vehicles.
  13. That.. is totally awesome! Know what engine he put on it?
  14. I doubt voice recognition technology wouldn't be able to sort individual voices, but like said before, I would say it's more for the driver's sake than anything else.
  15. I'm only busy on Tuesdays/Thursdays, so whenever else works for me! Probably put on a nice winter coat and make the trek on the bike so I can put new skills to the test.
  16. If I'm available, I probably would as well.
  17. This. If it was in the yard, though, I'd hope that cop gets what's coming to him. Dogs are family.
  18. Funniest part to me is that I just posted my "Welcome" thread there with no knowledge that they were watching this. I was getting multiple comments about "So how goes the ticket?" and the like. So damn confused for a few minutes. Already being made fun of before I even join another forum!
  19. http://www.assfaultjunkies.com/showthread.php?22216-Another-genius-OR-member-LMAO!!! I'm just not sure how to feel about this. (Or even believe it.)
  20. Who knows. She's already trying to ditch us!!
  21. And I'll be joinin' in on this cabin as well. Looking like a good turn-out for this shin-dig.
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