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Everything posted by Bitani

  1. I sure as hell will. I think I'm actually going to go through this whole thread before the trip and write down all of the suggested places. I refuse to miss out!
  2. Dammit. It's because of you that I'm going to lose all of my money to food this trip!
  3. Welcome! Now where the heck are some pics of the bike?
  4. Free bump for you. I'm interested as well.
  5. But.. but.. EVERYONE pays attention to politics!
  6. Bleh. I had a Jeep Liberty as my first car. Was only worth probably $4K, but put about $5K in before it blew a gasket. Everybody I've known with a Wrangler has been happy, though.
  7. Damn right I would. If it's as easy as rocket science then we're golden.
  8. I figured he hadn't made that up himself considering the "Son," but figured he meant the meaning at least. I've seen Breakfast Club, so doesn't that automatically make me cultured?
  9. Have you even looked at how Wikileaks verifies its data? There's no way that they DON'T know what they're looking at. I agree with this. It's like expecting our country to fail if the president was killed. Yeah, I do want soldiers "on the walls", but only when there's a need to be. There's not right now, and the deaths happening shouldn't be.
  10. Well that's probably because you barely had any women coming in!
  11. Hell no. I don't want it coming out as a poopstick.
  12. But, but.. I don't even want that either!
  13. This. List hasn't been updated in a while!
  14. I like where this thread is heading.
  15. That's what my ex insisted on. "No, I never fart!" ..or pee or poop or sneeze or burp..
  16. And this is more like what I'd be like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vg3OItIfH_s
  17. Note to self: Never break the barrier again. I don't like when people even say "I have to pee." Just keep those activities to yourself, please.
  18. *vroom vroom* Come back, riding season! (That place is so freaking beautiful.)
  19. I'm in. Quite the foresight in this planning!
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