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Posts posted by Bitani

  1. http://tinyurl.com/abhf35m

    VAN NUYS, CA—A study released this week by the San Fernando Valley Institute for Adults-Only Research indicates that a staggering 96 percent of U.S. pornography is consumed by the filthiest 1 percent of the population. “Of all the pornography watched everywhere in the world, the vast majority is consumed by this elite group of ‘super-perverts,’” the study read in part. “The most disturbing aspect of these findings is that everybody in the top 1 percent thinks that everyone else is looking at porn too, and that this is somehow ‘normal,’ but in fact the individuals who think this are small in number and simply the nastiest, dirtiest masturbating freaks out there.” The report concluded that the filthiest 1 percent should feel deep shame for being such incredibly disgusting deviants.
  2. Minimum wage? You can get a job anywhere you want. Just get offline and go apply. ;)

    Dayton is easy job hunting, especially for minimum wage. We were just labeled #3 in the NATION as the city with most jobs, with Los Angeles being #1. That was pretty damn cool to see Dayton #3 in nation. Boulder, CO was the worst.

    We were? Damn.

    That explains why I've never understood when my friends complain about never being able to find a job. I've always gotten them on first interview thus far.

  3. Snot, we may have an issue with your reading comprehension.

    Poser, thanks. It's a money thing as far as what I want to do, but it would also look really cool with what I want to do because the windshield I bought is dead black and it v's down to the headlight, so I would have uninterrupted black from the lights to the top of the windshield.

    Another option is to pull the light, cut off the lens, black out the reflector, install HID projectors and then cover with a clear lens protector. Lots of guys have done this mod and it looks killer but costs a couple hundred and is time consuming.

    But... but... HIDs are SO damn sexy-looking. :cry:

  4. According to Scott, the actual planning for Operation PREAKNESS was initiated in early 2009 and developed in conjunction with the United Nations, Senator Dianne Feinstein, and several other liberal organizations such as the National Organization for Women, Planned Parenthood, Greenpeace, the American Federation of Labor, and the National Rifle Association, which is apparently a front for all the previous groups.
    liberal ... National Rifle Association


  5. I may hire a couple laborer type positions. I am a local based construction company and I am doing all the work at Muirfield Country Club so your primary job location would be there. PM me if you are interested and we can talk.

    WARNING: I am not your Mom and I do not baby people, you may get yelled at from time to time and you may not always be doing what you want but you will recieve a pay check every week. also i do not put up with people that are late for work or call off. just wanted to throw that out there so you have no surprises.

    Thank ya for the offer sir, but a little far for me!

    Anybody else aware of any good offerings? Seen any "Hiring" signs or the like?

  6. As much as food service industry sucks I suggest working for a restaurant for as long as you can. It teaches you good people skills and then when you get into job interviews and they ask you to discribe a situation where you didn't get along with a coworker or patron you will have more than enough stories.

    I got that at the movie theater, but I'm positive it'd be even worse at a fast food place. So I can see that. :p


  7. I am a senior in high school and recently quit my job at Best Buy. The hours, management, everything wasn't working out. SO I'm on the lookout for any opportunities for a teenager to get a job. Figured it would be worth it to see if anybody knew of any decent local jobs that were available. I'd MUCH rather work for a local business than a big ol' one.

    I've worked ever since I was able to (16) at a Rave movie theater for a year and a half as well as (obviously) Best Buy for about 4 months.

    Anybody have any suggestions, offerings, anything of the like?

    Thank ya!

  8. Be sure to get to Franklin NC...down 28 about 30 miles or so from where everyone is staying. Caffe Rel. Get a bowl, not a cup, of the Blue Crab Bisque. Stuff is like liquid crack. I am serious, you must go there. It is attached to the gas station in Franlin on the far left corner of the first major intersection as you come into town.

    Also in Maggie Valley on the same side of the street as the bike museum is a big white diner that has amazing pan fried trout.

    I sure as hell will.

    I think I'm actually going to go through this whole thread before the trip and write down all of the suggested places. I refuse to miss out!

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