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Posts posted by Bitani

  1. On a pc, maybe 60-65 at best.....on my phone, about 3 :D

    I think the average is somewhere around 40, so still like 50% above average.

    On phones.. I suck too. I type fast, but half of my time is spent backspacing because I'm so damn inaccurate.

    I suck...43wpm. Never took a typing class or training, just developed over the years.

    Seems to be how most people are. I only just picked up home row typing this year. Much more comfortable.

  2. Google Now and Project Butter are among the main upgrades of Jelly Bean. Project Butter is their attempt at making the UI as fluent as iOS. (Since Droid's always been more 'stuttery,' even though it's always been just as 'fast' processing-wise.)

    Jelly Bean is the best thing since Froyo!

  3. I'm younger than most of you, and am friends with a bunch of kids I graduated with, as well as below classmates at wright state. I see a lot of support for it... They're all just brainwashed by shit. Funny someone mentioned a stoner avidly supporting it, because I know a guy from high school that that I argue with all the time on fb over it.

    Someone at work said a quote the other day that kinda fits the bill. It went something like "a young man is heartless if he is not a liberal, and an old man is unwise if he is not a conservative".

    I'm kinda heartless and unwise.

    As am I. Screw this generation.

    There's two political sides in this country, and both are dumb.

    • Upvote 1
  4. You all missed the point. This was a creative way for them to test their latest secret sauce for a new burger. It was a marketing ploy gone horribly wrong.

    Big Mac flavored condoms. The big girls are sick of the fruity ones!

    • Upvote 1
  5. People sue for freaking anything now. The world isn't perfect, and yet people seem to think it should be.

    I may be young, but even I hate what we're becoming. The court doesn't, and shouldn't, solve everything.

  6. I spent nearly 6 years at UC. What about the campus doesn't interest you? I can pretty much tell you every pro and con there is

    I honestly don't even know. It's a really nice campus, but it just didn't interest me as much. I'm going on another look-see there Tuesday, so maybe.

    What all did you like/dislike?

    lul sending this frum mai fone so kewl!

  7. Do you know what type of degree you are wanting to get?

    Check to see which school is rated higher.

    Truthfully you can't go wrong with either. Is there a significant tuition difference?

    Roads will be better in KY. :)


    I think I'm at $15k/year for OSU and about $24k/year with UK. So yeah, I'd say that's pretty significant.

    UC has offered me a pretty sizable scholarship as well as acceptance into their Honors program, but I don't have much interest in their campus.

  8. I'm just stoked to at least feel like the season is here. Riding is about the only thing that keeps me sane (im sure you all feel the same way) and usually about mid February I start going bonkers buying parts, fear, tires, anything just to feel....involved in motorcycles again. Today I shaved my 'till bike season' beard ithat I started growing last November, so now its on motherfuckers.

    I know the feeling all too well!

    My mom has made the observation that I'm much more grumpy outside of riding season. And she's getting pretty annoyed with my daily "I wish it were Spring"s and "Damn it. Come on warm weather!"s.

    Setting up my apartment's garage tomorrow and getting all of my bike's new toys on 'er. Hopefully will be completely ready for spring by the end of the day, minus suspension tuning. Pumped!

  9. Apparently I worded myself terribly. The roads thing was just one of my questions - typed that up quick, and was the only thing I could think of at the moment. The "give me opinions" thing was for all opinions, not just on motorcycling.


    I'm going into Computer Science (Software Engineering). I've been accepted to both colleges and have about even scholarships from both. Because UK is out-of-state, though, it's still a few thousand a year more than OSU. Unless they somehow give me in-state like a few friends have said they offered... (and dammit I got a 34 on my ACT. Thought that was supposed to get more money.)

    OSU is rated higher than UK for Computer Science by quite a few sites that I've looked at. UK's degree still look better somehow..?

    And I always assumed that OSU would be better for the college kid shenanigans. Most of you are saying that UK is? I did not expect that.

  10. I would hope the decision on the future of your education relies on more than the quality of roads...

    It does. But would you not agree that both are great schools?

    And thus, with that, it becomes more of a "Which will I enjoy spending 4/5 years at?"

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