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Everything posted by Bitani

  1. "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed." - Dwight D. Eisenhower I find it disgusting. Soldiers have good motives (most, at least) and I support them fully, but I see no real reason to be in the places we are right now. Pointless death and wasted money.
  2. This. The chance of anybody even finding out you're carrying (and caring enough to say anything) seems about as high as the place being attacked.
  3. Would somebody explain the rationale behind disallowing firearms in schools and the like anyways? I have never understood that. If there was somewhere where guns were needed, I would think those would be it.
  4. One of the largest recent topics... Is on BBQ. And is still on-topic.
  5. 'Tis all good. Easier to set up the next one since we all know what's going down! :thumbup: Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
  6. I'm still a-go regardless as well. If we do another time later on then in my eyes it's just more knowledge.
  7. Hmm... Girl 1's skin tone is #DCF13A while Girl 2's skin tone is #DDE24B. Girl 1's jawbone angle is 43.6 degrees while Girl 2's is 44.2 degrees. Intradesting.
  8. I don't really understand why people don't like semesters so much. Explain? It would suck if you were in school during the switch, but realistically it seems like actual time spent in school and cost stays the same.
  9. Yeah, definitely hoping for some nice scholarships. Was pumped to get a 34 on the ACT, so hopefully that helps! Though my GPA's only 3.5 - slacked freshman and sophomore years. UK looks like it's $33,000 normal out-of-state for both room and board. If UC offers me a full ride is when I'd be considering them. I figured the Honors Programs might not be THAT much of a difference, but there might be perks like you described. So thanks for that heads-up! Sinclair just switched to semesters this year! (Doing PSEO at the high school. High school and college creds at once. Whoop whoop)
  10. WHAT. Conspiracy! Fraud! ..I'm a bit creeped out too.
  11. I'm mainly looking at UK right now. The motorcycling roads are amazing down there and it LOOKS like they're the most likely to give me lots of $$$. They contacted me to ask if I wanted to be in the Honors Program (after I already hit no on the app) and have been sending me shit since 7th/8th grade. But I couldn't care less about bringing my car. I'm finding a place for my bike! (At the very least I'll be renting a storage unit.) Chicks dig bikes. And if I hadn't said anything before, thanks for all the replies all! Posted this up on 3 forums, and it really has helped my decision-making!
  12. Even more reasons to stick with Kawi in the future! Pretty amazing for a company to take a financial hit for a good cause like that!
  13. Who wants to get in their last ride of the season? Maybe work on our drifting? lolyeahrite
  14. I lost faith in the YouTube community's comments (and intelligence) long ago.
  15. Hadn't seen it before myself. Damn. That dude's screwed up. What part of Kentucky was that in? North, West, East, South?
  16. Sounds good, just keep us up to date. Feel better!
  17. Thanks! Trust me, I understand that motorcycles are mostly a hobby. But in my mind, there's also the people that make that hobby happen. I'm quite aware that it's a long-shot, but I'm just trying to find if there's any even distant-related auto-related jobs that are plausible to try to get into. Computer engineering is still my #1 choice, I've stuck with programming since I was 9, but you can never have too many options!
  18. I am a senior in high school this year. I will be going off to college next year, and up until I started riding motorcycles last year it has always been computer engineering that I wanted to go into. It's still a VERY viable option, but I'm increasingly becoming interested in trying to find some sort of engineering that could correlate in some way to motorcycles/auto. The best moments in life happened on my motorcycle in the last year, and if a job is viable I feel that could be the best way to go for me to be happy working for the rest of my life. I'm not quite sure what jobs, besides mechanic, are really viable with motorcycles. So, my question: What careers have you guys heard of, experienced, known, etc. etc. that relate to motorcycles in the engineering field? Or dealing with motorcycles? The closest things you know of?
  19. Dang! Well-preserved doesn't even give that justice.
  20. I'm sorry, but that's hilarious (that they'd fill a filing cabinet).
  21. So, are we getting a 'for sure' time for this shin-dig? (Unless I missed it if it was said already.) 12-30-12, 2 PM or..?
  22. Intradesting. Very intradesting. Definitely something to pull out with the anti-gun folk!
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