Alright, so I found this kitty laying outside of my apartments on the sidewalk, sprawled out and dirty and no nearby cats to call its mother. (No other kittens, either.) Tried seeing if any of the wandering cats would notice it, but no... So yeah, orphaned. I went to the vet and had them tell me what to do, then went to Wal-Mart and got supplies. (Powdered cat milk, bottle and heat warmer.) Went to my grandparents who have had a lot of cats and had them show me how to feed it and such. Now she's laying like so, except with an extra blanket I put under the warmer and over the kitty. Any experiences with doing this sort of thing? Tips? My mom and I were planning on getting a kitten here soon anyways, so... kind of works out. Just with what sounds like a lot more work for the first while! Hoping she'll make it!