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Everything posted by RideSlow
I rode the hour to WV today at 5:30am. it was pretty damn cold lol, but the ride back the long way after 3pm was 60+ degrees. and well worth the frosty morning. my wife said why wouldn't you just go AFTER work.. cuz this way I got in a ride today AND I have some time for the family!
I find that I am a bit more annoyed by things in print, as your own mind interprets the tone and inflection, thus allowing for a more polarized response. we were all taught the same way to "talk", but printed word is a very personality based thing, defined by everything from education level to life experience to level of geek. its not much different than the frustration of trying to communicate with non-english speakers, figuring out what the hell they meant adds a similar level of frustration, and then its compounded by the response and their interpretation. after several exchanges it becomes clear everyone understands "asshole", so starting there gets easier and easier. in my life I try hard to go with the flow, and get what I give, I try pretty hard to be the same online, but as I said its hard to know what your getting with printed word, so mileage may vary by interpretations.. we should all use more smilies I guess? I use "lol" alot in general in texts and in web stuff, as I tend to be a goofball and make light of all the small things in life as much as I can, as I hope people get that I am merely sharing my mood, but some people take it as me laughing at them, so there's no winning in printed word. I often wonder if the web is one of those things thats "before or after its time" in human evolution. sorry to babble. hope it was worth reading.
so....I have to send all my personal stuff to someone to do something I should be able to do at home without the risk of them keeping all my personal info.. I'm glad their turn around time was good for you, but its just not a appealing concept to me.
I went from a Iphone 4 to a Atrix (android type) I REALLY like the way the Iphones process.. my biggest three don't likes, price, and impossible to replace batteries and keep warranty, and the lacking of a Micro-SD etc. I killed my iphone 4's battery, and I loved that phone, but, I wont go back. I was broke and bought my phone refurbed for almost nothing a year ago, and I like it more, cheap, replaceable batteries, upgradable flash memory (after purchase for cheap) my wifes iphone is wonderful, they use standardized processes to make them all software compatible, its a wonderful thing, standardization, and she just does email facebook facetime, and photos..she hates the memory in a iphone, its the biggest drawback that you have to delete something to add more, you can't swap mem cards like almost every other cool phone in the last decade(ok maybe 7-8 years)... that is a HuGE drawback IMO, unless your rich lol, and even then, its not changeable, its just more space to fill. the droid isn't perfect there are issues having 5 different companies making phones, some programs just dont work right.. but, this is the linux over windows debate IMO, they are both viable, just have different niches.. will I buy the 5? nope, haven't even looked into it. if it has swappable batteries and a flash memory interface (yeah right), I'll give it a shot, otherwise, it just wont be worth my money, I'm sure its great for many though.
bah, this thread has perfect timing, I decided to swap out my handlebars yesterday after riding to work, never done much but loosen them to turn them up till now, and one of my riser clamp bolts was in cross threaded. soo now i'm searching for new risers.
lol, nah, I'm not a sporty kinda guy...love the spirit though. nothing wrong with them, but they just dont make me want to ride anymore.
thanks, alot of good names there, bikemaster has a place too. I'm glad its working for you OldSchool. these all seem to be sporty oriented companies, any info on cruiser bars?
I'm thinking about buying handlebars, interested in what brands are considered good or acceptable affordable brands.. what gauge is considered acceptable? 14 gauge steel is advertised often is that good, its just over 1/16" thick steel, are most bars good as long as you dont drop the bike? on the "you get what you pay for" scale, how small a price is too small for it to be quality? is $60-75 good for bars? thanks in advance..
my experience with limited access in the last 5 years was pretty much limited to company tractor trailers, so I only saw the left lane very seldom. (company trucks for running canada were capped to 62mph). that said, when I do wander my own vehicles to columbus and hit the limited access (once or twice a year during business hours) it usually heavy traffic when I am there. the left lane is passing constantly, so your either coming up on someone and theres little "not passing or getting ready to pass" time. so there isn't much need to get over. if your upset that people are over there going same speed as right lanes for the hell of it I agree its stupid, but I don't see the reason to be so upset, of course its not every day for me either. I reaaalllyyy dont see the reason to possibly cause someone to panic swerve by striking their vehicle at speed and risk them swerving into me or something/someone else. you can't justify road rage to me though, I can see venting, can see being slightly peeved, can't see the justification for rage. if living in the city with all those lesser folks vexes you so, move for your own peace of mind. the stupidity is everywhere, just go where there is less of them to deal with.
lol, I dont ride on limited access, and I dont go slow in a cage, but, the left lane thing on heavy access areas isn't a passing lane, its a turning lane as well, so speeding is not really a great idea, in fact where I was speaking of, the right lane is the passing lane, since it is ALWAYS faster in traffic to run the right side due to all the turning left in the populated section. I do ride slow, I also stick to back roads and stay the hell out of the way as best I can, including pulling off if I am not setting a fair pace, experience on a bike like I'm riding is a factor, but I DO go the speed limit whenever possible. in a limited access area, I agree that you shouldn't limp in the left, but what is limping? if I am going 70 in a 55 and you want to go 75, I don't think I should have to move over and slow down behind granny to let you go by, thats not logical either. it ISN'T my road, but I'm not the one acting like its cool or good to scream at people going down the road, it is in fact bad, its road rage, sorry you don't like it. do I wish everyone drove right? sure, do i wish everyone had patience, yup, and when the two of you get together I will sit back and eat popcorn, but if you expect a thumbs up for being a jerk, not gonna happen. I dont like ragers, sorry, they aren't teaching a lesson, and on a bike your just enforcing a negative stereotype, might as well put on your pirate suit before riding so we can see you coming.
I would say this is VERY dependant on the road and the population of the area, and if there are any left turns around lol.... when I am in portsmouth, I almost always pop into the left lane coming 23 south, there are about 14 left turns through, I've had people like you act like that, and its road rage and childish, if they do this in a place where there are viable left turns within a half mile, I'd say they need meds. I have had ragers (thats what I call people like you) in my truck and on my bike, because I'm not willing to hammer it at a light when I am turning in a 1/4 mile. I once moved left safely to give a stopped officer some room and was raged at by a biker... till he almost hit the cop (he was partially out in the lane).. when you do this and someone turns left or it becomes apparent they were there for a reason, do you ever get embarrassed, or are you just happy you got your rage on? a piece of advice, its not your road, share it. if they are going the speed limit they aren't breaking anymore laws than you are by speeding, chill out and save the coronary for the big shit in life.
RIP, didnt meet you but seems you touched many.
:rip: lost rider is a lost rider, day 1 or 5000. my condolences to the family
help removing front sprocket with no chain to brace it.
RideSlow replied to mojocho's topic in Tech and Tips
glad you got it done. gl with the rest of the rebuild! -
wow, glad you guys are doing well, your wife gets a +1 rep for not being too afraid to consider another ride! good luck with the decision, how many years of safe riding have you had? jbot--- duuuh she had "Imbiggeritus" and figured she was priority by size lol, stupid cager
we accept you for the bikeless friend you are.... sounds like you need a spare if your this upset
i got out on a short run this weekend, road the bike to work today though, then came home, let out the dog, and went riding, met up with my wife and kids at the pizza place and then came home the long way. was a great day. it definitely highlighted that I need a way to charge my phone on my bike... but was a great relaxing day. I don't get many days like this but was nice to not sit in my pickup at all today.
not picking sides, I just see that there is informational proof both ways, it may be bike and style dependant, but I would like to get back to desulphating as I have 2 other batteries that might benefit from this process even if my bike wont, even ped agrees the other 2 flooded cell batteries need some form of maintenance for the winter. thanks for the opinion, appreciate you checking in, what kind of charger do you use? (battery tender brand or did you mean it generalized)
did your mother forget to hug you? ---- we are so far off my original intent, I give up. I'm not going to respond again (to ped) unless its about desulphation, sorry ped, not really here to start an insult war with a troll. ----- thanks PonyJr, appreciate the opinion and info.
well it ended today, I didn't make it due to family and work. did anyone make it this week?
I want so much to like your info and trust you, but I just can't get past your IMO plain obnoxious behavior, you have alot of info in that head of yours, I hope for your sake you learn how to share without sounding like a jerk. thanks for the info, I'll do more research and decide for myself. this is a great piece of info, its by a battery maker that is highly respected, yes they make chargers, but they also tell you how to pick a charger without risk of overcharging, thank you for the addition! an interesting timeline they put out for self discharge is not even close to peds ideas, shows his thinking is not wrong but his math on rate of decline is very off. "Conventional lead-antimony batteries discharge at about 1/100 volt a day… the lead-calcium sealed VRLA battery, 1/300 volt per day. Looking at it another way, a conventional battery fully charged and stored for a month will lose roughly a third of its charge; the sealed VRLA battery handled the same way would lose about 10%." this is my experience to date, agm or other, sub 1 amp chargers and no worries.
I guess I've been schooled then, the only reason I said this was it would be nice to need 2 less chargers in the way, and the mower gets run regularly 9 months of the year, but sits 3 and when I first got it it died first winter because I didn't get around to it. seems like a good application. a size etx16 is 85 bucks walkin at the local oreilly, its the cheapest agm thats close in size around here. I get a discount on them from my work around 10% usually. I would think this would be even better for the generator though, two times a year start it up and run it an hour and let it go. less money in electricity and less hassle to boot. if its plugged in I have to check them regularly to make sure they haven't run away or etc. it sounds like the way to go when the battery dies, i have a harley size 14 that my neighbor gave me becuase he let it get low and rather than charge it he bought a replacement since he (like pep lol) doesn't own a charger (I offered but he said to hell with it so I paid the $10 core and took it off his hands) . this may get tossed on the generator to try your theory out, after a smart charge it appears to be holding 12.54 voltage 2 weeks later.
sooo, I need to replace my lawn mower and generator batteries with AGM's (size 16 looks only slightly smaller and double the cranking amps) and what? just charge them a few times a year and let it be? would be nice if that is all it takes. I'd spend that money if your right. reading your linky "This "leakage" or self discharge varies considerably with battery type, age, & temperature. It can range from about 1% to 15% per month. Generally, new AGM batteries have the lowest, and old industrial (Lead-Antimony plates) are the highest. In systems that are continually connected to some type charging source, whether it is solar, wind, or an AC powered charger this is seldom a problem. However, one of the biggest killers of batteries is sitting stored in a partly discharged state for a few months. A "float" trickle charge should be maintained on the batteries even if they are not used (or, especially if they are not used). Even most "dry charged" batteries (those sold without electrolyte so they can be shipped more easily, with acid added later) will deteriorate over time. Max storage life on those is about 18 to 30 months." and "Inactivity can be extremely harmful to a battery. It is a VERY poor idea to buy new batteries and "save" them for later. Either buy them when you need them, or keep them on a continual trickle charge. The best thing - if you buy them, use them."
humm, I've been using them on my generator and lawn tractor so they don't die over the winter, the generator battery has been in place for many years and never had a problem. I replaced the whole mower 2 years ago and its been in use since and worked out ok so far. I doubt the lawn mower batteries are the newer type of battery your speaking of though? many many people swear by tenders of one form or another... you are the first I've heard to say this, are they using them to offset a parasitic loss? every quad I ever owned had a winter tender on it, never had to replace a battery. I'm sure if I disconnected the battery and kept it out of the cold would be "better" but the wife has rules about vehicle parts in the house lol.
anyone used one of these chargers that has a "desulphation" process like the Battery Minder and Ctek chargers, using a pulse frequency to break up the deposits and extend battery life, so they claim? if you've used one, which brand and why? how did it work out? I've got smart type chargers (a schumacher and a noco) on my other battery's they seem to keep them going well but I need another small draw to use this winter for the bike and thought I might get a desulphating type to rotate into the mix. looking at Cteks or BatteryMinders specifically, but any in the sub $100 market would take a peak at... examples http://www.amazon.com/Multi-12-Volt-Smart-Battery-Charger/dp/B000FQBWCY http://www.amazon.com/BatteryMINDer-Charger-Maintainer-Desulfater-Model/dp/B005EKY1EM