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Everything posted by Kmanlyst

  1. I think i know this fella lol so you finally joined the forum...bout time. Welcome.
  2. For the love of god clean that keyboard....btw nice choice.
  3. Sorry Exarch had to mess with you on this one.
  4. are we for sure this isn't Exarch? I mean they seem to be on the same intellectual level.
  5. yeah, seems these guys have been at the game for a while, discovered several others along with mine.
  6. Well quick update the NC700x and Vstrom have been located, how ever both have been stripped to the frame.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17ozSeGw-fY
  8. didn't get it, went with a 650 then my dad fell in love with while I had it stored at his place and bought from me and bought a Honda NC700x so I could adventure ride with him at Deals and BYOB.
  9. Heading up to the Pony today because I know they have a white one.
  10. It's really down to the 636 and the S 1000RR, Both have great features as far as control settings for the rider, in the end it may just be the 636..in white..to piss off Brandon
  11. So now I have that tough choice to make......what to buy. Was looking at 3 bikes the new 636, BMW S 1000RR or an Aprilla RSV4 really leaning towards the 1000RR
  12. My Insurance isn't paying anything, Just got off the phone with the company that owns the unit. Their insurance company is going to cover the cost of the two stolen bikes and missing accessories.
  13. He told me that the bikes were not at that location but he feels that they should be able to get them tracked down unless they have been parted out already, which they have had plenty of time to do seeing as they broke into the unit at 3:00 in the morning yesterday and the only reason they know that is from the time stamp on the surveillance cameras.
  14. I'm huge in Japan, Korea, and China and I get no complaints from my wife...I mean something has to keep her around after 8 years of putting up with my shit.
  15. When and if I can get pictures of these guys I am posting them up so others can be aware.
  16. Just got off the phone with Detective Lemmon, the guy they caught did give up information on who else was involved and it happened to be a guy I met over the winter when helping my neighbor move his ex-g/f stuff out, and he was with us when I took my buddy to put some of his stuff in my unit. Lesson learned on this one. Now to wait for 8:00 to roll around so I can call the company to see if they are going to cover the theft.
  17. Yeah still have the 250 until i replace the Honda which I may just put the money toward a 636 and make you jealous, maybe this the universe telling me I am not allowed to own a Honda.
  18. I may have to get with you after this whole thing is finished on how to set that up. I like Lojack I had it installed at the dealer when i bought the 250, was going to have it installed on the Honda after taxes came in.
  19. worst part is all the stuff I have to replace like my front and rear stand, all my tools, I am still in a stage of shock but it seems to be slowly building to rage.
  20. I have been checking it every hour and nothing so far.
  21. I didn't want to put the bikes in a unit because of this fear but my dad is selling his house to move to Columbus to be closer to his grand kids and so we can ride more this up coming season and I don't have a garage yet but am on the wait list for one in my complex. should have just parked the damn things in my living room and put up with the bitching from my wife.
  22. Agreed. I think he has something to do with it and I hope he flips on every person involved.
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