Picked this up at Iron Pony for $125. I took a short ride with it today braving the cold so I could see how it felt and from what I felt I like it. The helmet fits a little different than a regular full face helmet, you need to go a size small because it is a little larger but I like it. My concern was that the visor would cause a lot of noise both wind and rattle but that isn't the case I had no issue from either, my only issue with the visor is when i go to check before a lane change it does tend to pull a bit.. It is a bit heavy as it is a thermoplastic poly alloy shell but nothing that is going to strain your neck in a long ride. It comes with a moisture wick liner and also features pockets for speakers in the cheek pads. I will post more when I get the chance to take it on a really long ride. I have to say for the price it is nice when I wanted an Icon Variant the wife flipped a bit at the price point, this she was a little more accepting.