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Everything posted by Kmanlyst

  1. hey don;t knock my 250 i love that thing =P. but they did get away with my 2012 Honda NC700x with only 100 miles on it.
  2. The storage company does have insurance i was unable to get a hold of them this late calling tomorrow, they found my 250 in the bed of a pickup heading to Marysville and charges have been filed against the driver. Not sure if he was responsible for the theft.
  3. So it seems someone wanted my bikes and broke into my storage unit to get them... Glad the 250 had Lojack installed and was located/recovered a few hours ago, the Honda and my dad's Vstrom however are still missing and we will more than likely never see them again but mine is insured for theft so looking on the positive side I can replace it my dad is more than a little pissed seeing as he just got the 2013 model and setup the way he liked at least he still has this 2012 Vstrom. Why the hell do people take shit from others they cannot afford, it really just pisses me off to no end, I bust my ass to have my toys...I think it is time to look at a Metal Storm perimeter defense system for my bikes.
  4. Kmanlyst

    Epic Quotes.

    "One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” ― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
  5. You know I was having a pretty damn bad day with a stolen bike and all but this made me laugh so damn hard, thank you so much.
  6. Your pain feel it I do. I cannot tell you how many times go out and start the bike and sit on it, my neighbors hate me.
  7. oh my god this had me in tears and my ribs hurt so bad now.
  8. Was coming off of 270 onto Georgesville Rd hit the front brake to hard and dropped it at the light in front of WalMart. It didn't hurt anything but my pride.
  9. This is very true, I am sure if Brandon and I could find the lodging we would just stay down there until winter lol.
  10. Welcome to OR Brandon, soon as the weather warms I will send a Pm your way.
  11. My dad rides a Vstrom 650 as well, can't seem to get him off of it unless the weather is too bad. he rides that thing to Deals and the BYOB events.
  12. Dunno, I haven't heard anything back yet.
  13. Sir I think you have done plenty well on the punishment. +rep for damn good parenting.
  14. Well we all know he went home to put on a fresh pair.
  15. No, lack of being able to bust your childs ass and not fear about going to jail for it is why they are fucked up these days.
  16. Well safe to say after guns and video games are banned movies will be next.
  17. I don't do it for the "attaboy" attention, I share so people know there are still good ones left in this world.
  18. Did another great deed this week. My neighbor has had a really rough time as of late,she had surgery to fix a pinched intestine and has been on leave from work and we all know how much those FMLA checks pay. She has two teenage kids and called up asking if I had something she could make for the kids to eat she was out of stuff so I told he yes I'd bring something down and I ran to the store and bought her some groceries, she broke done in tears when I kept bringing in bags of food, even stayed and cooked dinner for them. We have known the family for quite a while I treat the son as one of my own seeing as his father isn't worth the air he breaths, hope he takes a lesson away from my act of kindness.
  19. sent in my resume. Wife is ready to get me out of the house.
  20. What a new member and I missed it? WTF I am slipping, Welcome to OR!
  21. nope as I pulled out a van pulled in behind me
  22. did this at a gas station, prepaid $25 on a pump and told the clerk to tell the next person that it's already paid and to gas up.
  23. Better looking than the Versys...
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