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Everything posted by Kmanlyst

  1. ^ doing this for the kids this year both have been under the weather and don't want to risk making it worse.
  2. you'll see a small vid of the bike at the end of this one I am making.
  3. Okay heads up,finally got my copy of Premiere Elements 11 (no more movie maker YAY!) and I am finishing up the video from our Hocking trip. Keep your eyes open.
  4. jesus man you make me feel bad my 2012 has almost 4700 miles,guess I have an addiction.
  5. After checking out that link seems like Asheville would be a better choice,and extra $927 to do with as I see fit if I moved from here to there.
  6. And not a single asshole went unpuckered that day.
  7. Sadly two of the guys lived in the apartment building across the road from mine,should have seen the amount of S.W.A.T. they had.
  8. I have been looking as well,trying to transfer to one of our accounts in Charlotte. Hope to be there by this time next year we will see how it goes.
  9. Yeah woke up this morning had to pull the into the living room,wasn't expecting this.
  10. Welcome! Tread carefully you have already excited the resident leg humpers.
  11. Goth girls have always been my weakness.
  12. Careful Jenna,going to get the leg humpers started
  13. only downside is now that I have that I cant get my 636 in the Kawi Green,have to get it in black lol.
  14. Yeah can't wait 2 more weeks and it will be here.
  15. Next year I am going as Rinzler,well mostlybecause it is also going to be my motorcycle suit and paying as much as I am I might as well use it often.
  16. its EL with a clear rubber sole has a strobe setting,steady on and I can make it light up when I walk.
  17. Got to my friends party early,chilled for a bit. Hope most of you know this costume.
  18. by the way this is the ToD visor
  19. I like the ToD visor have been looking at the Stealth for a little while,been dropping hints to the wife to get it as a christmas gift
  20. Kmanlyst

    Beer Pics

    Not Beer but here is what I drink on those cold,rainy,windy days like today....cheers..
  21. thats not including the handjob button....more distracting than a car with all the knobs and buttons.
  22. And for your Birthday viewing pleasure Brandon AKA Dying Shadow on a Gold Wing.
  23. Happy one more foot in the grave day!
  24. I'm good, I'm good. Priceless made me chuckle and then feel bad for it.
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