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Everything posted by Brownsfan1

  1. Yeah, I'm just pissed because everytime I get some money in the bank something stupid happens and it gets depleated.
  2. I'm sorry to hear about your situation. My wife left a job that she was at for 7 years for this job because they offered her more money and better benifits. She was at this office for 3 years.
  3. Link won't allow me to join group it says that I don't have the privleges.
  4. I've got a Victory and I love it. It is great for long road trips.
  5. As usual everytime I feel I'm getting ahead in life I get kicked back down. I got promoted at work at the beginning of this week:) and things were looking up. I have almost all of my vehicles paid off except for the spyder abd I was getting to the point where I was starting to put a good amount of money in savings. Now the down part, my wife just got laid off today. I'm fucking pissed!! I have been working so hard to get my family in the position that we are in where we are comfortably living. I can't seem to catch a break. I know that I am ranting, but I need to vent so I can cool off for a minute. Rant over.
  6. Have you tried to drive in SC? These people here are the worst.
  7. :nono:Common sense is not common anymore.
  8. I like the bounty idea I'd move to Hiwaii to hunt snakes.
  9. I went shopping around yesterday and I still haven't pulled the trigger. I'm torn between the convenience of propane and the authenticity of a charcoal/wood burning smoker. I did go get some BBQ yesterday because all of this talk about it made me want some. I think I'm going to go out again today and do some more smoker shopping and riding if our weather does what its supposed to do.
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