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Everything posted by Brownsfan1

  1. We are having crappy weather(rain) here today,so I'm more than likely to go out shopping around after I get off work.
  2. I'm thinking of buying a smoker today. This thread pretty much sold me on one.
  3. Well that about sucks I would of liked to see how that would have turned out. We put one on a honda civic once it made for a good time.
  4. Find a way to install a train horn on your bike.
  5. My father in-law had one for about 6 months and hated every minute of it. He traded it in for a silverado which he loves.
  6. Leineenkugles october fest is pretty good.
  7. Why is it so hard to find someone who wants a job?
  8. Something comforting about throwing rocks.
  9. This job sounds like an awesome oppertunity, but I would never make any money because I would spend my earnings on Edmond Fitzgerald. Especially if it was at a discounted price.
  10. Stoning rapists... how about castration
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