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Everything posted by Brownsfan1

  1. I also got a neg rep for my comments on that thread.
  2. with a jacket with feathers on the collar
  3. Watch out for the Amish mafia, I hear they are brutal.
  4. and began swearing in chinese
  5. In order to hide their faces
  6. I agree I think it should be the peoples choice,but I like the statement they are making to protect our rights to bear arms.
  7. That's badass. I like the comment "If you plan on doing us harm, we'll be armed."
  8. In the kingdom of ass clowns
  9. That sucks man...get well soon.
  10. They got to make money in the aftermarket. I like the car as well.
  11. I don't either. I did some stupid shit when I was a teen,but I never thought it would be cool to attack people and create mayhem.
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