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Everything posted by Brownsfan1

  1. I've been panic buying guns since Obama got into office on his first term.
  2. Sometimes I feel like I have a second job with how much I am at my job.
  3. Been there when I worked at circuit city it sucks. Glad I'm out of retail.
  4. I love watching the last minute x-mas shoppers running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
  5. I agree that we draw the lines in different places because I feel that if I want to buy an assault rifle its my right to. I'm agreeing to disagree because I try to hear the other sides opinion.
  6. True there are loop holes. I like to think that most of the legal gun owners are responsible and lock them in a safe. With that being said as a gun owner my safe is locked and my carry weapon is on me. I'm not saying that it is full proof, but banning guns is not the answer.
  7. Brownsfan1

    Beer Pics

    I'd have a hard time letting it age, but Ithink I would let it age.
  8. I'm not a ghetto drug dealer, but I do like to protect my property and myself from the ghetto criminals. As for the gun that is designed to "kill lots and lots of people" it is a fun hobby for me to go to the range and relieve stress much like riding, hence multiple bikes. The numbers don't lie the criminals have no respect for life,a legal gun owner does.
  9. I use a 5x7 trailer with my Titan suprisingly depending on what bike(cbr) is on the trailer my gas milage is not affected by much.
  10. Thats interesting info I'm sure that this will get overlooked by the anti-gun folks.
  11. Shit!! I never thought that I would agree with a Steelers fan.
  12. Its not about drawing on people and shooting because the have a gun, its about protecting yourself in a situation that calls for you to.
  13. About as much as "guns need to be banned"
  14. Nice looking piece. My grandfather gave me 9mm Baretta he took off an German officer he killed in WWII.
  15. Shit nobody ever showed me that mechanism you speak of.
  16. I have 2 open trailers the reason I want an enclosed one is for my cbr. I wouldn't need a trailer that big. I would use it to trailer my cbr to Ohio to keep it clean since It got rained on almost the whole trip up there. I try my hardest to keep it out of the weather.
  17. I drove to work with the windows down so I could feel like I was riding.
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