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Everything posted by Brownsfan1

  1. Brownsfan1

    Smart guns?

    Smart guns? Shit smart phones have already made people dumb, so lets make guns smart and watch what happens.
  2. Got to watch out for those trees they are quick.
  3. Track? No I don't even know where the track is.
  4. I always wanted to go to Hiwaii. Enjoy your trip.
  5. The grass is always greener on the otherside of the fence, until you get there.
  6. I hear that work seems to get in the way of all the trips I want to take so I have to pick and choose.
  7. I'm going to try to make it this year.
  8. Pay cash if you have it. No bike payment=happiness.
  9. Sorry to hear this, my condolences to you and her family.
  10. What part of Charleston do you live in?

  11. I also agree with the buffer thing. There is no need to strike up a conversation, its just akward.
  12. I've got people at my work who will not flush after shitting or will leave it because they clogged the toilet.
  13. Brownsfan1

    GT 350

    Nice! I want one.
  14. I'm going riding on sat its going to be 61 and partly cloudy. That is if things stay quiet at work.
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