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Posts posted by Medina

  1. both my folks were shrinks- both published, both successful, one a court appointed cuya county (part time for them, full time private practice) they BOTH said adamantly those people can not be "fixed", you can't castrate or lobotomize them and stop those urges anymore than I can not want a donut by going to classes or getting shock therapy. A stretch in prison often builds anger, resentment and the next time they play on their feelings  its often increasingly violent, or perverse. 

    Predators....well.....well well.... When life in prison finally means "life" in prison...I'll quit thinking the way I do about alternatives. 

    And the OP handled it pretty perfectly i'd say, likely better than me. 

  2. I read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance  two decades ago

    read it again when my son was born.

    Wont take him, weighed it, would love to take a ride around lake erie- camp up on pelee point, before he turns into the i hate my life teenager

    But stats are stats, he's my only. So...

    he did spend hours in front of my on my ATV riding around the farm. 2-3mph sissy stuff, just riding. loved it

  3. I love chicken, and watermelon, and sweet iced tea

    I just murdered a plate full-but brocoli, my kid doesn't like too many kinds of greens, and as soon as it settles a bit, chocolate f'ing cake awaits...

    chocolate f'ing cake, did you read that?? I feeling I'm like having a stroke just looking over at it.

    Thank God I dont have to drive, I'd probably drive off with the kickstand down so I could rest at lights.

  4. recognizing how poorly the case is going for the prosecution.

    Because there was no case to begin with. 

    I do grieve for the family, kids are not supposed to die before their parents.

    i feel badly for zimmerman clan, the hell they went thru, and will go thru for some time to come. Didn't I read CNN just released his SS number or some crap?


    but.....if you want to be act like a thug, you need to accept the consequences. black, white, teen- you walk around thinking you're a tough guy in a movie, it will catch up to you

  5. My question...


    What does it matter?

    Does it piss you off that you can't say it?

    Do you feel wronged that somehow this offensive word can't be part of your public vernacular?

    Who in their right mind goes "man I really wish that I could say that and get away with it"?


    I have never had an occasion where i thought "i should really use a word to denegrate someone based on their race"


    Who cares if those it offended have "taken it back"?


    I wont use the word nigger in polite company any more than I'd say fucker. I temper my language to the group I happen to be trying to communicate with.

    Who in their right mind thinks someone wants to walk around saying nigger nigger nigger....You missed my point. 

    Societally speaking- it matters. How can a society move forward together if one section clings to, and promotes those times that were less humane? Worse, taking pride in, wearing like some badge a slang word that is, or should be offensive to most. Coming up with politically correct "rules" they can  use it, yet others cant? bullshit. 

    Take WWII, Vietnam etc. We have moved past what was frankly a more horrific time, more recently and those two peoples have promoted harmony. 

    I'm not seeing that harmony being put forth in this nation between two races. 

    I'm dating an asian, and I have YET to hear anyone in that group use ANY racial slurs in conversation.   Not once in years.

    And some are pretty rough around the edges drinking types.

    Dont they have a right to those words by the same definition? 

    The word nigger/nigga has become a tool to entrap enslave others. Passive aggressive childish bullshit that should be slammed from the president AND hollywood, including musicians on down. 

    So, why then is the "n' word so glorified in song, entertainment and culture?

    Why is cracker ok to say on CNN but nigger isn't? Both are intended to be offensive racially if I'm not mistaken. 

    Nigger should be ok to use in conversation, or not, continuing to glorify it saying "n" word is patently absurd. 

    just my .02, your mileage may vary. and if I show up to a bike event, I CAN bring some non-white friends.

    I'm echoing an increasing majority of blacks who are trying to level the playing field with results, not government interference.

    It can only happen when the government quits asking for race on ALL applications. Take a couple of generations as it is, but its time to start. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. the "n" word


    what an embarrassment.

    so, culturally its ok to say the "n" word if you're black, but not white, or any other race, correct?

    So deeply offensive is it, it can be sung to, danced to and joked about but only if you're that race?

    Every time I hear someone say that it sounds like a child tattling on their sibling for saying the f word, or the s word.

    either we do away with it entirely and no one says it, or we dont give it the weight of a sword and can only be wielded by those most offended by it?

    this forum allows us to drop whatever ignorant vulgarity possible, however saying the "n" word would suddenly dump that person to the bowels of hell for such an offense?

    what crap


    p.s. I saw a bunch of crackers today in my neighborhood.

    Some of by best friends are crackers, well, used to be. I dont trust crackers anymore, I'm sure some are ok, but..well.. you know how crackers get

    them uptight crackers do keep their yards up, I think its genetics.

    Ever see a cracker at a clam bake, good Lord they love their seafood, dont they?

    More crackers in a walmart store than a western. 

    Most of these crackers around here smell funny, like detergent or some shit. Whew.

    Ever notice how crackers LOVE dogs? whats up with that?

    I dont mind living next to crackers but I really dont like working with them, and I'd be dammed if I'd marry another one. 

    By 'God if a brown skinned person (including my better half) uses cracker, I'm stomping someones head in. They can say "C" word and it better be delicate, or my sensibilities are going to go looting.

    • Upvote 2
  7. Well, considering Zimmerman is hispanic not white, it'll be interesting to see where any rage might be directed.  Hopefully people respect the decision of the court.


    as noted, he was reported initially as a Hispanic white... inflammatory racial provocation by all media outlets. 


    Listening to that main witness, that young lady with a horrific neck ring of fat, I learned today that "cracker" is NOT a racial term.

    Nigger is a racial term, nigga is not a racial term,  and they are going to hang that zipperman regardless of guilt to appease the nation of those offended. Both guilty feeling white liberal news media types, and black americans who are sure this guy voted against everything they stand for. 

    NOT one mention during the whole trial that black on black crime  is beyond acceptable in this country, but lo' we have one maybe whitish dude who killed one definitely blackish dude, so let the riots begin


    Can obama have a beer summit or something?


    edited to add obama jab, sorry, can't help myself 

    • Upvote 2
  8. this is precisely like every other race based trial this last decade.

    death threats galore are being tweeted about what will happen if zimmerman doesn't get life/death penalty etc etc.

    Color has zip importance for me, the kid was a pretend thug from what I've seen, zimmerman was a wanna be cop from what i've seen.

    likely a bit of guilt on both parties. 

    how it washes out, dunno, but I'm glad I'm not down there.

    LA was NOT  a good place for a white guy after OJ, and King verdicts 

    • Upvote 2
  9. How do they not get their asses kicked by real bikers?

    I wonder how those guys wearing "fake" colors dont get their asses set on fire. 

    tattered looking leather vests with barely readable, yet club looking logos...that are more marketing crap than anything else. You know, the "Purchased Biker®" 

  10. And soon you'll be wanting to start a club with vests and patches.


    oh god, coming home from Pa one time a few months back, saw a group of 4-5 dudes all wearing "Sons of Anarchy" "OHIO" vests.

    no. really. 

    All of them

    At first I thought "oh crap....bikers", then the lulz sat in.

    leaned back on the back rest, put the feet on the highway pegs, put the cruise control on and blasted the music and started to sip  my coffee. 

    waved at each of those weirdos' using the hand holding the cell phone. 

  11. Why are you not running anti-freeze with your wetter water?

    its more effective alone.

    as to the goo, its been documented over on the gold wing site- no one suggests using it for that reason. that goo can build up. run antifreeze, change it yearly, if you have overheat problems, address those.

    waterwetter is superior for racetrack where you can't dump slippery toxic AF on the ground if you wreck

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