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Everything posted by FourString

  1. HA! You sure? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/darkloki/l_ba17ebd44bb56c79075ea9b8b5a9d31a.jpg OK, I'm done.
  2. How many times is this guy going to be "outz" or "latez"? Oh good, he is banned. Good riddance.
  3. FourString

    i lul'zd

    Why the hell would he be walking around his house naked with ONE camera that just happened to be on in one room?
  4. I think Dane is alright. I have a few of his CDs which are pretty good. BUT Chappelle > *
  5. I was walking through the parking lot on campus once and saw a 4th gen with "Camero" written in vinyl across the top of the windshield. Someone payed money to have that done lol.
  6. I thought so. I was the fat guy wearing the black DSM shirt.
  7. I'm sure his nephew is loving the paycheck coming his way soon.
  8. Honestly no. When I weighed myself last night I was wearing socks, sweat pants, and a white T-shirt. This morning I was in my boxers. There is no way in hell all of that added up to 5 pounds.
  9. I think I met you last year at Sonic. Are you the one with the blueish/blackish mystery colored Evo? LOL
  10. OH GOD...just the thought of someone chewing on a fork.
  11. I need to make a correction...my weigh in is 328 Last night I was 333, but this morning I was 328. One night of sleep = HUGE weight loss! At this rate I can probably meet my goal in 20 nights.
  12. x2 on this one. I still do not understand how anyone can mix-eat. Also a x2 for me. I can not be around someone who scrapes the silverware with their teeth. I get cold chills. This applies to everyone I think. Most just fail to admit it. I cringe when someone scratches denim or any material similar.
  13. I'm on page 1. Welcome back to CR.
  14. Bought a scale today. I'm not happy with the results. My weigh in is 333
  15. I hope this new year brings me a new job.
  16. Glass top table is spoken for. Make offers on anything. I need it all gone.
  17. Yesterday was a little off track for me, but today I'm going to be strict on myself.
  18. So true LOL! Craigslist is a fucking shithole.
  19. I like it so far. Oh...and hell yeah for Multi-Quote!
  20. ...and I will add that ZJs and WKs are good, but the WJs are very problematic. Stray away.
  21. Get a Wrangler. You wont regret it. They are such good all-purpose vehicles.
  22. That is awesome. I like to explore places like that.
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