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Everything posted by FourString

  1. The Z guys are taking over! Great intro man. Welcome to CR.
  2. See how much it would bring on eBay. Cash and all.
  3. I may actually get something done around the house tomorrow morning.
  4. Another good day today. I drank a glass of milk this morning and water the rest of the day. I have noticed that I never really eat breakfast. I would assume that it would be good for the diet to always have breakfast right? My lunch was just half of a frozen pizza (4 small slices) and water. Dinner was a bologna sandwich and water lol. I had an apple earlier too.
  5. OOOooOOOhhh me me me me me me!!! I will schedule those days off of work to get a chance to ride in that.
  6. Wow...that car looked good until I saw the wing. Oh well, to each his own. Welcome to CR.
  7. I have cut pop out completely now. The last can was finished off last night by a buddy of mine I don't even want to drink diet pop. I just figure on getting rid of it completely. I don't need it anymore. I am dedicated to this weight loss.
  8. Yeah...that was unexpected. Looks like he had been in a few bar fights recent to that pic.
  9. Evil Dead/Evil Dead II/Army of Darkness > *
  10. Very very good production if that was a student project or not.
  11. Approximately that yes. One of many reasons I am in this thread. Barq's Root Beer is addictive.
  12. My two favorite games of all time are Mortal Kombat II on SNES and Twisted Metal II on Playstation. Hell yeah.
  13. I wish I could do that. I live so far from anything that I require a vehicle no matter where I go.
  14. I have heard of using spark plug non-foulers. Can anyone confirm this? If so, Advance Auto Parts sells them in the "HELP!" section.
  15. I am not exercising yet. I am going to work into this gradually. Good first day for me so far! I still need to buy a scale for a weigh in. I DID buy some apples today and some chicken breasts to grill for tomorrow evening. I ate half a pizza today for lunch instead of my usual whole pizza(I know...I know), only drank 3 cans of pop instead of my usual 10 or more, 4 bottles of water, and a couple of apples. I am feeling confident about tomorrow too
  16. Funny you should mention that. Before I even saw your post above I was thinking about changing it because she is just THAT bad to look at. Makes my stomach curl. Changing now...
  17. I'm sure the lawyer fees added up to a far greater number than the fine. I feel bad for him, but again he did get off easy.
  18. LOL! I would be hanging around her all night waiting for an earthquake.
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