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Posts posted by FourString

  1. Hey thanks for the replies! Now that it finally warmed up this weekend I was able to get out and look under the hood. I took everyone’s advice and started by checking the plugs and they looked fine. They weren't wet and had a dark tan color to them. I also made sure the fuel rail wasn't loose or leaking by the injectors. I could hear the fuel pump kick on and off but I didn't have any way to test for pressure. Everything seemed normal so I decided to just go for the simple cheep stuff since the problem hasn’t happened again. I went ahead and change the fuel filter (since I don't think it has ever been changed) and. I ran the tank down to below empty and added some "dry gas" to get out any moisture and changed the spark plugs while I was at it. I guess I'll find out sooner or later if all that worked. I just hate not knowing 100% if I fixed the problem or not. You never know if it's going to not start again at the most inconvenient time. I'd rather find something broke and know it's fixed. Oh well! Thanks again for your input, I appreciate it!


    How dirty was the fuel in the fuel filter when you removed it?

  2. I've had a permanent retainer in my lower set of teeth since I had my braces removed about 6 years ago. I don't even notice it.


    Same here. I have always wondered when I should get it removed. How long are you keeping yours in?

  3. get rid of limewire....it sux0rs!


    beyond that, keep your old versions..when they prompt you to update, say "no thanks beotch"...new versions usually come with more tracking bugs and pop-up bs.


    I have LW 4.10.3 and it no longer connects to the network.



    Okay, I know is may be just a fucking pittance to you people, but I hate that fucking blue squid thing. I feel like more of a fucktrad than I am posting here with that thing.


    You honestly sound more like you are 4 instead of 40.

  5. What other FORUMS have any of you been a member of that only COUNT the posts you made in a certain part? None that I know of.

    We are all members of CAR forums other than this one. EVERY ONE OF US. But what makes this a cool forum is to INTETERACT with people in our AREA. To shoot some shit, talk smack. The BEST dialog on this forum is not where you EARN posts. I CAN'T EVEN CHANGE MY FUCKING AVATAR BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH POSTS. THAT IS FUCKING BULLSHIT!


    Damn dude! You need to go get some pussy or something...


    I am/have-been a member of a web forum for every car I have ever owned. I could name many of them that have this layout and similar rules. Contribute something useful to the forum (tech, auto discussion, race events, etc..) and you will get your damn avatar!

  6. I would enjoy getting anally raped by a gang of rabid OrangUtans


    LMFAO!!!!!!!!! I am about to throw up I am laughing so hard!!! AAAAAAHAHAHA!!!!!! That needs to be in someone's signature...


    MB, I am not being mean but that was funny as hell.

  7. I think I understand what you are trying to say...


    First, turn off the breaker that supplies power to the switch panel for the fan. Turn all of the switches in the fan switch panel on to make sure there is no power to anything. Remove the two fan switches completely. Connect each wire seperately to it's other same colored wire. The wiring will then be wired direct to the fan with no interruption. Put a blank panel up where the switches were, turn the breaker back on, and you are done. Your new fan will come with a relay or some sort of control box that will control the fan.


    If the wiring coming from the source is a different color from what is going to the fan, do not play guesswork. Take a clear picture of it all and post it up here or call an electrician. I think I covered everything. If not then someone post up.

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