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Everything posted by FourString

  1. It will never happen because it promotes texting while driving (road rage). Cool concept though.
  2. That was great. Long shot, but has anyone read any of his books? His creativity is very bold and I would assume that his works may be worth the read. I could imagine how visceral that car feels to drive.
  3. I guess an SKS with a 30 round magazine isn't scary enough for the ban. So wait, is this a ban?
  4. 2000 TJ, 4.0, manual, 4" with 33s, rock rear bumper with swing and full size spare. $9k. Pics are in my album here on CR. Any more info just pm me so I don't hijack this thread.
  5. Clay, if you raise your price closer to nine, I will offer my TJ which is VERY nice. 2000 6cyl, manual, lifted 4" on 33s, and damn clean. It's honestly a mall crawler. PM me if you want more details. If not, I'll still offer the help I previously offered to help you find what you are looking for.
  6. I own both currently. I love my Jeep, but I think the Bronco is FAR more versatile. I'm actually considering selling the TJ at this point just because I rarely ever drive it anymore. The Bronco just does everything so well.
  7. http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e120/Sugarfuzz/meme4102574436.jpg
  8. Clay, if a Bronco is an option for you, keep in mind that I have less than $1k in mine (in far better shape), and a VERY nice 78 or 79 just sold on here recently for $2k.
  9. I got my LC9 on sale at Vances for $299 + tax. I'd like to think that the sale will pop up again at some point, but maybe not with all of the gun drama lately. I opted against the laser simply because if I have to pull this gun, I'm not going to be relying on a red beam, but more likely instinctively on the iron sights.
  10. I'm actually not interested in hearing about someone's F-body any more than they are interested in knowing about my failure of a rotary engine. Hoonigan...?
  11. Jones and I were having a vacuum cleaner discussion the other day at Meijers. The Dyson may perform well, but it is still plasticy and flimsy feeling (much like a GM vehicle I suppose :gabe: ) I have had a Kirby G4 for 15 years or so that has performed flawlessly under heavy use, but it is built like a tank as said before. They are over priced, but can be acquired used for a reasonable price. For my money, I'll take the stainless steel and iron instead of the Tupperware deluxe.
  12. The battery life on these kicks ass. It is quite large, but IMO it is just right. I don't think I would want a phone much bigger than this, but I certainly don't want one smaller again. The only cons I can see are that it is hard to "one thumb" operate, and a complete pain in the ass to remove from my pocket when sitting. However, the pros FAR outweigh the cons in this case.
  13. Welcome to the Note world. Jones is right--you'll never want to use a smaller phone again. The iFail is a toy compared to these.
  14. Okay. We can learn ya somethin' after Wednesday. I'm out of town at the moment.
  15. Scott, I'll help the next chance I get. You looking for once a week?
  16. I have bought four guns from Vances and have always left happy. However, after visiting OVO recently, I think it will be my new favorite spot.
  17. I'm on limited time lately, but I can do it Scott. What subject?
  18. DUDE...dude. I'm still not done. I still kinda want a huge fern too.
  19. I don't know if I can wait until tomorrow :dumb:
  20. The point behind my question (borderline rhetorical) is that these are military and/or civilian firearms. The term "assault" rifle has always bothered me; especially when people say that "AR" means "assault rifle". However, I do like when someone calls a magazine a clip. That's just free advertisement of their ignorance, and I'm able to immediately discredit any opinion they have made, or will make, at that point.
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