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Posts posted by o-no-moto

  1. As some of you know I dumped my bike over the summer. After the work and time I put into it over last winter seeing it busted up was very heart breaking. I finally got the bike back in my garage this week and thought lets just see if she will fire up. After about 15 sec of cranking vurmmmm she was alive and kicking. Hearing it running relit the fire under my ass for the love of my motor cycle. So with that being said I will be in rhe market for a 06 or newer gsxr. I will be checking the forum from time to time and now we can start planing the next group ride. Hope to rode with u all soon again.

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  2. Ok so i am going to try and get rid of the ole girl. As some of you know i flipped my bike over the summer. Some of you i have met on the last 3 group rides and saw me riding this bike. Bike has around 26 thousand miles. After i got it home i threw a little oil in it and it still runs starts. All the plastic is pretty much runied along with the speedo cluster but the tact still works. The forks are not bent the frame is still straght the very rear of the tail is bent to the left. I was going to heat up the sub frame and push in back over but at this point i am ready to walk away from it and upgrade to a newer bike.Dont think the pipe is heavly damaged and i did jet the carbs last season. would love to get 900$ but i know it wont happen just want to have a litte wiggle room. Not to good on putting tothe pics on the post but i do have them on my profile.

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