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Posts posted by o-no-moto

  1. Either of you to willing to ride down to the hocking hill area? Not to sure how close that is to you two. I probably won't be able to meet anyone till about 11 or 12. Got to drop off the kiddos.

  2. I will be 2 up still trying to decide to head east or south. I will most likely trailer to a east route 2 hours on the back of my gsxr for my lady is a little hard and very uncomfortable for her to pull off. Thanking of hitting up the epic ride route again because I took off early because of the rider that went down

  3. So Friday looks like I can get some seat time in. Looking to get a group together to possibly head to nky. I don't have a route nor plan to lead just want to get out for awhile. If I can't mustard anything up I probably head over to the hills. Any takers?

  4. I have the green light for friday ( so far). I am not against heading east and towards hocking. But I have been wanting to migrate towards nky for a little riding just don't know a route or want to ride by myself

  5. Awesome ride loved the route. Always nice to meet fellow or riders. Myself, snot and shady one helped pull robbs bike from under the guard rail he,s a little beat up and bruised and his bike is done. But he walked away and thats a winning score in my book.  I stuck around with him to make sure he had a way to get his bike home and them took off for home myself. I made it to c,bus before i got drenched. 

  6. Looks good. I rattle can painted my first bike with white and red farm paint. Looked good from 20 feet away. The following year I had them painted with auto paint. My painter called me everything but a white boy trying to sand down the old stuff..lol

  7. i'm not trying to bash on your gen Monte Carlo either btw, I just associate them w/ my neighbors who sort of suck.


    They have a black SS and a black Dale Jr. edition.  Their cats torment my dogs.


    I don't hate the car, I just don't  understand why 2 people who live together would own the same vehicle.  No versatility...

    Naaah no harm. Everybody has there car they don't like. For me its a toss up between a chevett,tempo,probe,or a Aztec.

  8. i'm not a huge fan of that generation monte carlo SS (compared to prior generations), but $600 ain't so bad.


    All of my vehicles are paid off, and I pretty much assume i'm going to spend at least a grand a year on them.

    Yeah the nice thing is so is this one and there are still plenty of parts cars.If you have a cheap scanner and a basic knowledge of how newer cars work there still pretty easy to work on.

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