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Posts posted by o-no-moto

  1. I am not as lucky with the rust in this car. It has the same rust on the rocker panel under the ground effect because the last and any other owner didn't take care of the underside. And with the cheap thin sheet metal they use on cars now a days you can't get away from it. Hell I,ve seen trucks 3-4 years old with the cab corners and bed wheel wells all ready starting to bubble. And it kinda sucks for about 20-25 years they didn't build cars to become collectables. I think a lot of people had the mind set about bout 8 years it was time for a new car

  2. I also had a 500. Felt very comfortable but the back cut( or so is what I'll call it) was way to low for me. If seamed to always rub the back of my jacket while in the riding position and made my neck sore. My new lid is a speed and strength and it looks to be a higher back cut. While riding I can look straight up and never touch my jacket. Just some food for thought.

  3. OK so I am one of those people that like to get my moneys worth from something. I just dropped 600$ worth on my Monte Carlo,s supenson. I don't see the use in going in debit for a new car payment when I can fix and upgrade parts myself. It's a 01 Monte Carlo Ss with all the bells and whistles. still sucks having to drop $600 on it though. This damn thing better ride like new. Ok rant is over

  4. So I need a little help with my nephews 02 kx 60. Long story short stator coil,cdi,and ignition coil have been replaced. I have two wires coming from the stator. Blk/red and blk/white. I can grab both wires and kick the motor over and get a decent bite on my fingers. These two wires go directly to the cdi. Cleaned all the ground connections. Check the resistance on the stator coil and is 290 ohms spec is 460-580. My question is there a generic ac voltage the stator should put out to the cdi and if the cdi is getting voltage shouldn't I get a reading from the cdi to the coil. If so I ain't getting anything.

  5. I still talk to some of my fellow contacts out there. The drag strip was never in danger of closing. The confusion was that the owner of kilkare and the manger of the round track had a falling out. The round track also lost there NASCAR license for what ever reason so with all that going on they just decided to close down the circle track. So for now its only open for rental and special events.

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