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Posts posted by JackFlash

  1. I made a whole lot of changes today. There are still a lot more to go, but I wanted to bring it back up so you all can use most of the site. If you find bugs, let me know. If you see something missing that you really want, feel free to let me know. I'll do whatever I can.

    I'll write up a full thing on what all is new tomorrow.

    Sponsors: I'll get your banners up as soon as I can. I have to convert them all over to this new software. It might take me a couple days, but I'll add time to your sponsorship to make up for it.


    To do list:

    - Add profile fields (like bike, location) to postbit (in post, under avatar).

    - Add front page portal like old site.

    - Install Tapatalk.

    - Allow BMP images. Can't be done easily. Putting on back burner.

    - Disable repping your own posts.

    - Undelete accidentally deleted post?

    - Redirect a few 404's to correct pages (memberlist.php, live.php, etc).

    - Find out why some see no new content. Had "Just items I follow" selected.

    - Fix session timeouts. Set to two hours.

    - Add avatar next to name in top bar.

    - Fix private message limits.

    - Add avatar next to name in top bar.

    - Fix private message limits.

    - Fix moderators (and other groups apparently)

    - Freebies menu (map, radar, stickers, etc).

    - Change color of unread thread marker.

    - Redo smilies page?

    - Twitter connect

    - Google connect

    - Shoutbox

    - Current activity on profile

    - Users online on mobile

    - Allow users to remove forums from board index

    - New mobile skin

    - Rep on mobile?

    - Forum jumper.

    - Store (yes, t-shirt will be for sale, along with supporter and sponsor memberships)

    - Try to get rid of the random light blue pieces.

    - Fix album owners.

    - Fix AME links (like Youtube, Amazon, etc).

    - Enable women's forum.

    - Possible to change posts per page?

    - Fix supporting members' group permissions.

    - Convert reputation comments to profile messages.

    - Fix calendars/events.

    - Go to first unread post links on front page and view new content.

    - Fix sponsors' banners.



    Add:  Make posts editable by the poster.



  2. You don't have to immediately accept anything that they offer.

    You can think about it and get more facts to support that your

    bike is worth more than they claim it is.  Don't let them rush you

    into an acceptance, if you have the time to spare.


    If they give you a hard time about it's value, you can develop a

    reason to go to the doctor to have your aching back checked

    out if you go very soon, like tomorrow.  You could have some

    whiplash that hasn't showed up yet.


    They don't want to pay medical if they don't have to, and it adds

    up fast.  Agreeing to what you value your bike to be could save

    them a lot of money if you have to start going to the chiropractor

    every week.   

  3. Dude!  I'm glad you didn't get jacked up worse than you did.  Sorry about the bike.

    Heal up, take a rest, plan some track days, and get out to ride again.  We can all

    learn something from this.  I'm going to concentrate on learning how to properly

    take curves, for one thing. 



  4. The internet is full of stories about the Red Cross keeping money for themselves

    that is intended for victims, from the 1989 San Francisco earthquake to the present



    >>  Issues with where money donated to the Red Cross actually goes began long before 9/11. Allegations of keeping donated money go, at least, as far back as the 1989 San Francisco earthquake. Victims reportedly only received $10 million of the $50 million dollars donated.


    >>  In 2008, the Washington Post revealed the fact that new CEO Gail McGovern was set to make $500,000 dollars a year with a $65,000 signing bonus


    >>  "...One charity has stayed above all this for 137 years. The Salvation Army is unique among all U.S. charities for many reasons. Let,s start at the top. Commissioner Todd Bassett receives a salary just $13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 Billion dollar organization. By comparison, Brian Gallagher, President of the United Way receives a $375,000 base salary (plus numerous expensive benefits) and the Red Cross President Marsha Evans receives $450,000 plus benefits..."





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