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Posts posted by JackFlash


    Wait, I haz a confuzed...


    By printing more, how are they inflating the value?


    I think you're confusing the Terms "inflating" and "inflation"



    I can see that this is not worth discussing, and I don't

    think it is me that is confused.


    The government cannot pay it's bills, so it prints money

    to do so.  It prints more than it has in gold to back up

    the value of the paper money it prints.  That makes

    our paper money worth less, and it buys us less.  We

    become poorer, as a people, as a country.


    Watch this:




    Perhaps inflating the value isn't what I meant to say.



  2. Wait, Who said we were for sale?

    If so...Who has the money to buy us?


    China (collectively, if you include all of it's citizens) we owe them a trillion dollars... but if the dollar loses it's value, we owe them less money... if the dollar becomes worthless we owe them a trillion sheets of toilet paper, and we could have charmin pay them in full in under an hour...


    That doesn't mean we are for sale, or will ever be for sale...


    Get your head out of the sand.

    We won't owe them in US dollars.

    US Dollars will fail to remain the

    reserve currency.


    These are not my words, but they say a lot.



    Last April... in a little-noticed move... Australia announced it was transferring 5% of its currency reserves from the U.S. dollar to the Chinese yuan.

    The deal was part of a broader currency agreement between the two countries that allows Australia's leading banks to handle trade settlements between the two countries without the use of the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency.

    As CBS Marketwatch explained, "The agreement does away with the need for companies and currency traders to first convert their Australian dollars or yuan into U.S. dollars."

    Similar direct-exchange agreements, swap lines, and bilateral trade agreements have now been established between China and virtually every major economy in the world: Japan, Brazil, Russia, India, Britain, and France – not to mention every economy in Asia. These agreements will allow China, the world's dominant consumer of commodities, to completely avoid using the U.S. dollar in virtually all of its raw-material sourcing.

    Similar "dollar exclusion" agreements have been formed by Russia with its major trading partners. London-based HSBC, one of the world's largest banks, now predicts that by 2015, the Chinese yuan will equal the U.S. dollar and the euro in cross-border transaction volume.



    It won't be long before the USD

    will be worthless and we will owe

    our debts in a currency far more

    valuable and costly than what

    our government is printing and

    inflating the value of today.


    We will never be able to recover

    from what is being done to our

    country by those in DC.




    I agree, but are we willing to look the other way while the syrian government poisons it's own people?

    How big of an atrocity would it have to become to justify our involvement?


    What about our people?  There is a point where we should start putting

    ourselves first.  We have huge money problems in this country that are

    going to continue to haunt us in ways we can not yet imagine.


    There are other countries besides us.  With all the money Saudi Arabia has,

    why don't they jump in?  The rest of the world hopes we will jump in so that

    we become even weaker economically.  This is part of the financial attack

    that has been promised will happen to us.  O'fuckhead is just helping it



    Sign up and go.  Jump on over there and straighten up those Arabs.  Send

    us a postcard.  Just stop sending our troops into shit that isn't for our defense.

    It costs us in lives, money, future progress, friendships, and all sorts of other

    shit.  There are too many other countries that can take care of this kind of

    crap.  They just let us because our stupid ass government is willing to spend

    us into non-existence and they will come in and buy us up for pennies on the



    Okay then, at what point SHOULD we intervene?


    do we allow another holocaust to happen?


    There's a point at which we draw the line, and I'm drawing it now.  Let some

    of the rest of the world clean up some messes at their expense instead of

    ours.  It's always our pockets the rest of the world has it's hands in.  Where

    the fuck does it end?



    • Upvote 1
  4. "Life is not a journey to the grave

    with the intention of arriving safely

    in one pretty and well preserved piece,

    but to skid across the line broadside,

    thoroughly used up, worn out, leaking oil,

    shouting GERONIMO!"

    Life isn't about how to survive the storm

    ...But how to dance in the rain!


    You see, ya can't please everyone,

    so ya..... got to please yourself.


      - Ricky Nelson, Garden Party




  5. They are always having blood drives

    where I work.  They set up and drain

    as much as they can.  We always know

    when they are coming.  There are

    posters everywhere and they ask for

    signups.  They even come through

    the building and try to solicit donors

    at the last minute.


    I wouldn't mind this so much if they

    required management to give a three

    pint minimum.



  6. It's way past time we stop getting into shit that we

    get mired in and don't know how to get back out



    Where's the rest of the world?  Let someone else

    take care of this shit.  Where's Russia?  Japan?

    Canada?  England?  France?  Germany?  Why

    the fuck us all the time?  We can't afford this. 

    It's our kids dying in other countries that don't

    give a shit about us, and mostly hate us unless

    we are doing something for them.


    I'm sick of this shit!



    • Upvote 2
  7. The sticker by the steering head suggests, 33 PSI Front / 41 PSI Rear


    My "Haynes" manual suggests:  


    Rider,  33 PSI Front / 36 PSI Rear

    Rider & Passenger,  33 PSI Front / 41 PSI Rear


    I've made a few calculations and determined

    that the Haynes manual is as close as I need

    to get.  My tire warms up just fine without getting

    hot, no matter how hard I push the corners.


    Thanks for all the info.  I knew I would get great

    info from you guys.



  8. I only go to McD's if a person I'm with wants to go there.

    I don't enjoy their food very much.  They can barely get

    the meat on the bun.  And I never go to the drive up

    window anywhere.  They will certainly charge you for

    something they forget to put in the bag.  Even at the

    counter, I check for all items before I walk away.  I'll

    even open a sandwich right there to make sure it's the

    way I paid for it.


  9. My little GS 500 still has the factory tires.

    They say, Max Pressure 41 PSI.  It's always

    been my habit to inflate my car tires to their

    max, considering they have to be refilled

    eventually when the pressure goes down



    A motorcycle is different.  I've been riding

    this thing hard lately.  I'm practicing my

    cornering at faster speeds, and with a

    harder lean on the twisties.  I know tire

    pressure is an issue in performance

    riding and I'd like to know if there is a

    guideline to a certain percentage of max

    pressure for the open road.


    I have no idea what range of tire pressure

    I can use on this bike, or how much

    pressure a very experienced rider would

    suggest for getting a maximum grip on

    the road with the type of riding I'm trying

    to work up to.


    Thanks for any advice.




  10. It does look like they fling the patties from across

    the room to see if they can get them on the bun.

    How they put them on doesn't seem to matter.


    And why does my McBurger never look like the

    one in the picture that I point to when I say, "Give

    me one of those"?



  11. Just get you a $50 dome tent and a $40 bag at WalMart, add a Harbour Freight tarp a foam pad and a $20 bottle of Sailor Jerry rum. With that rig you could camp on a blacktop parking lot. We aint climbing Mount Everest here. Drink half that bottle of rum and you wont need none of that other shit.


    This might be the best idea yet.  It's certainly the cheapest.

    With the right items, a comfortable setup might be cheap to

    put together. 


    One concern is space, on a small bike.



  12. No I mean cut completely. No more welfare food stamps medicare etc...


    The hungry mobs and unwashed masses

    would overwhelm the amounts of ammo

    you have saved up, and eventually eat

    all your stored food, and maybe your dogs

    and cats too.


    It can't be cut all at once, but it can be

    whittled down a little at a time.  Cut 10% a

    each year on all government spending,

    across the board until we stop bleeding.


    • Upvote 1
  13. i'm doing this tomorrow then for my situation


    Yes, everyone.  Please do this so that the Post Office

    can be held to a higher standard, over and above the

    services of our competitors.  I need the USPS to stay

    afloat for the next 15 years so I can remain employed,

    and superior customer service doesn't just happen

    without someone keeping watch.  Make it happen so

    people will continue to want to use them. My motorcycle

    gasoline money depends on it.



    • Upvote 1
  14. so the answer is ..over look incompetence?


    she said specifically if it was more than $10 do not send it.


    I fear there is little you can do about it, other than

    give someone a piece of your mind. 


    You'll get an,

    "Oh sir, we're terribly sorry.  We misunderstood your

    request and it was of our utmost importance to provide

    you with exceptional customer service before, during,

    and after your stay at our facilities.  Please accept our 

    sincerest apologies in our misunderstanding of this

    matter and the way in which we mishandled your request.

    We strive to honor all reasonable requests of our guests

    and with the human element in place, sometimes we

    sadly fail to satisfy.  Please accept our offer of a $50

    credit towards your future stay at any one of our

    worldwide facilities.


    Once again, we apologize for our mistake.



  15. I'm very sure this is not how packages are supposed

    to be handled.  I would be pissed about this, all of it,

    and I work for USPS.


    Take those videos to the supervisor and show them.

    Someone should be written up for this.  Also, go to

    USPS.gov and leave a request that someone get

    in touch with you.


    You may file a complaint by email, or by phone at (1-800-275-8777).





    • Upvote 1
  16. It seems there was a communication

    breakdown between your wishes

    and the employee sent to the UPS



    I would blow it off and chalk it up to

    experience.  It's not like they had to

    ship it, and didn't charge you for the

    service.  The UPS store isn't going

    to refund any money. 


    I would let it go and forget it.  Life

    is too short.



    • Upvote 2
  17. what is your budget for each item? 



    That's a good question.  I'm finding that these

    items are a lot more costly than I was expecting.

    $80 to $90 for a sleeping bag should include

    breakfast delivered with hot coffee.


    Let me fish around and let the reality of today's

    prices sink in before I find something I'll have to

    settle for.





  18. Opportunities have presented themselves for some

    motorcycle camping.  So, if you have any recommendations

    for a tent, for one, that's easy to carry on a small bike, that

    would be good.  How about a sleeping bag, too?


    I'm thinking a week away from Ohio would be fun.  Some

    camping is on the list.



  19. I like this idea.   I was hoping that Doc's

    leaving would not be the end of large

    gatherings of OhioRiders.


    With enough notice, I may be able to

    get off work for this. 


    Tents?  Anyone have any tent recommdations

    to carry on a small bike?  I'll post the question

    in it's own thread.  Sleeping bags too.



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