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Posts posted by JackFlash

  1. I don't normally buzz around with my brights on but if there's a car

    wanting to pull out of a side street or a parking lot, I'll flip them on

    long enough to know that they see me coming.

    I've been very annoyed by bikes with brights on when I've been

    driving down the road. I don't think it makes you any more

    visible to cars than low beams. It just pisses people off when

    they are blinded by brights that don't need to be on.


  2. Car with one headlight is known in some circles as a Bosnian Motorcycle.

    "An oncoming car driving at night with only one working headlight.

    Said car can be dangerous if your riding a motorcycle towards it

    on a narrow road or lane without realising. I nearly ended up in a

    hedge last night when I thought I was about to pass another bike

    only to realise at the last minute it was a f**king Bosnian Motorcycle."

  3. Do you think it would work to use old candles instead of the paraffin?

    I have a bunch of candles that the wife didn't want or didn't use after buying them and they were shuffled to the garage for storage.

    Old candles would work well. Just don't let any perfumed smoke

    from the candle get into your food or it might taste like it smells.

    I made me a pop can stove. 1 oz. plus 3 oz of alcohol per day.



    This is very cool.

    ...an old school can opener with the point to punch triangle holes in the cans.

    Bigger can set over the fuel can ready to use for heating:


    A few holes punched around the lower rim of the larger

    can may improve air flow, a bit.

    The old school can opener that makes holes like that is know as

    a churchkey.



  4. Something like this happened to me once.

    I followed the guy, he eventually pulled into Walmart.

    I went straight, then circled back around from the other entrance.

    I saw him walk inside, I parked my Jeep between the front door and his truck, then promptly removed all four of his valve stem cores.

    I relocated to WAY across the parking lot and waited...

    He came back out twenty minutes later, and I think he was pissed.

    He slammed his bag of walmart shit on the ground, kicked one of his flat truck tires, and proceeded to call someone from his cellphone.

    I wonder if he ever found his valve cores, neatly placed on his windshield, above his wiper blades.

    True story.

    I've often had the desire to do something very similar but instead of removing the

    valve stems, I've wanted to just cut them off with a pair of side cutters, all four of them.

    Another thing is to pour fish emulsion plant fertilizer down the vents at the base of their windshield. That stuff stinks and in the summer time when it's hot, oh jeeze!


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