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Posts posted by JackFlash

  1. >> Cool New Bears Arrive at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

    First residents of Polar Frontier opening Spring 2010

    I didn't see the date on the original post before I clicked 'copy' so I might as well post just for fun.

    Clean out your freezer. You never know what you will find in there and with visitors popping in and out during the holidays, what a better way to get rid of a few aging items absorbing space in your ice box?

    Roast Polar Bear Trim all fat from the roast. Wash well. Soak meat for at least 2 hours in water, salt and vinegar. Remove and pat dry. Place meat in a roaster, lay strips of bacon on top and place quarters of onion beside it. Roast at 350 degrees F. for about 3 hours. 15 minutes before serving, remove bacon strips, coat top of roast with butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast another 15 minutes and drizzle butter on top two or three times during this period. Serve Hot. Serves 6 to 8.


  2. ...I went to jail for running down 71 in clinton county.

    They dropped my felony charge because I handed the bike over to them. That offense cost me around $13,000. It's not worth it.

    It is a whole lot less painful, it's a lot cheaper, and it's over faster if you pull over and take a ticket from one of them that may not be too bad to deal with than to have a 2nd or more of them show up and decide to go on a 'witch hunt' to find as many things you are guilty of as possible.

    Good manners and loads of respect go pretty far, and might change their mind about actually writing you a ticket if they are alone, as opposed to them feeling peer pressure from their brothers in blue to write up "another one of them speeding ass hooligans on a crotch rocket ripping up and down the roads and endangering the lives of our babies."

    You never know their mindset and they can develop a mob mentality quickly when in the presence of other officers. Having more than one of them involved in a simple routine speeding violation raises your chances of problems by 100% X (how many show up).

    Pull it over. Say your sorry. Take your ticket. Agree to slow it down. Wish them a nice day.

    Giving them a postive experience with us may help to keep their attitudes about us less hostile if they are not 'motorcycle friendly.' Every little bit helps in some way.

    Another way to look at it is that if you divide up the cost of your ticket by how many times you really pushed the sound barrier, you may find that each time you didn't have to pay a ticket, but would have if you got caught, only cost you about $3.00. That's quite a discount you are getting for the fun you've had. The fee for that fun came due and now you pay.

    I wonder what that speeding ticket would have cost if you had just pulled over right away vs. $13 big dollars.


  3. underground-shipping-container.jpg

    Before you dig a hole and hide one under the dirt, you might want to do a little research first.

    "There are two primary reasons that containers are unsuitable for burying underground as any form of structure – The first is the issue of corrosion and the second is the problem of structural integrity and we are going to look at both of these issues in detail but before we do I wanted to briefly mention why I think this common misunderstanding..."



  4. That's what happens in Russia - in all car/pedestrian accidents the driver must compensate the pedestrian. This has created a cottage industry of insurance scammers that will throw themselves in front of vehicles in hopes of a payout:

    If you could get one of these idiots to land on your hood, you could speed up to about 50 MPH and slam on the brakes. Or, if one purposely ran into the side of your car, make sure you back up and get them good before you drive off.


  5. that post is false. they have an fz8 at competition accessories in Springfield

    The Yamaha FZ8 is a naked bike and yes, it is available here now. I sat on one in Hebron at the Yamaha dealer and it fit me just right.

    The FAZER8 is the same bike with a bikini fairing. I don't know it to be available in the US at this time though it is sold in Canada.

    If you know something that I don't then please let me know. I would love to have one with full fairing.


  6. Some of the clocks / timers inside of those parking meters are faulty and not properly calibrated to run at the correct speed. If they run fast, you don't get the time you paid for. I've seen this before.

    It's another way for them to get into your pocket if you get a ticket or have to feed the meter another coin.

  7. Can you see this story being reported differently if it was you or me that shot the dog, especially more than once? I sure can.

    The media would have a field day. Anti-gun nuts would be all over the place. Trees huggers would protest. And somehow, it would become so twisted that it would end up as a racial incident.

    That is today's media.


  8. Suppose a person already has alcohol in their car before they go into a bar. They have some drinks before they go into the bar that have not yet taken affect. They drink more in the bar in a short period of time and are refused service after it becomes apparent they shouldn't be served more. The person then gets into their car and drinks some more of what they have, finishing the last of it and disposing of the container. Then they drive off and get into an accident.

    The bar did not serve them while they were in an intoxicated state and cut them off when they consumed faster than was prudent. The patron left.

    How was the bar to know they had consumed before they arrived? How can they escape the accusation of serving them too much when in reality the patron had his own liquor in the car and disposed of the empty bottle before driving off?


  9. If we got more snow, this thing would be in my garage: http://www.woot.com/offers/husqvarna-30-inch-snow-king

    That thing is just bad ass.

    Don't forget your accessories.


    After all, you personalize your bike, right? You can get heated hand grips, too!

    Here is an excellent guide for choosing a snow blower that is right for you.



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