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Everything posted by Gunner75

  1. even though you are from the state up north Ill be nice
  2. just sent him a pm explaining
  3. what buildit said, St Rt 245 from West Liberty to Marysville has some nice turns, clean pavement, take care on some of the hard turns around farms, they usually have some gravel kicked up
  4. scared of the ensuing ass raping that someone is going to get?
  5. Im not in the Central area, Im an hour ride west, but Ive no issues riding down that way
  6. Was you the one on the black ZX10R at the Epic ride in Logan?
  7. Of these I have used a few Bad Cop! No Donut got me a couple of laughs, still got a ticket I pay your salary go me laughed and still got a ticket + a K9 search I once said, I wanted to be a cop, but I joined the navy instead, their guns are more fun, actually got me out of a very high priced ticket, when I told him I was coming home from Iraq, (partially true, my deployment was over 4 months earlier)
  8. This program here might help you get back into it if you like
  9. Nicotine has been compared to heroin when it comes to the addiction level, ive heard and seen many "professionals" say that nicotine is as addictive or more addictive as heroin, but ive never done heroin before so I cant compare it.
  10. I wish I was. It happened before sunup Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  11. yeah little critters arent like dogs, they dont get fucked up by a bike slowing then accelerating away. If its the size of a rabbit or squirrel i dont slow down
  12. its not the phone its the horrible excuse for a service provider.
  13. The SS1700 is a nice helmet, I was considering it until I seen the price, I am willing to bet Nate could have gotten that same helmet and saved you a significant portion of cash in the process
  14. I was riding down to the meet yesterday and had a big ass black raven hit my left side mirror then it smashed into my left shoulder, felt like someone had kicked me in the chest
  15. Was an amazing time riding with everyone yesterday. Got to meet quite a few people off the forums who I am hoping to ride with more often. Was around a lot of people who smoke, and I had the inkling to smoke a few times but I was able to hold off the cravings. Going into week 2
  16. My XDs must be broken then. Because I had it with me on the epic ride in my holster loaded magazine round chambered and it never shot anyone. Oh wait that's right its perfectly safe until a finger depresses the trigger Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  17. What meet spot you going to? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  18. Gunner75

    Gitmo closing!

    Yeah why allow combatants on us soil? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  19. Gunner75

    Gitmo closing!

    all three were controlled by Obama cocksucking democrats. Thats how the health care plan was passed. I havent read the article yet, but Im curious, where are the terrorists going to go?
  20. went to bed at 12am lastnight, its now 521am. Ill be leaving here around 630 to head towards the IP meet point with a stop for some breakfast. Its normal for me to function with only 4-5 hours of sleep a day
  21. You do realize in this particular instance this is a serious lack of parenting that allowed for this to happen? If you do then you specifically posted this in this manner in order to piss people off, if you didnt then you sir are the stupidest mother fucker around. Troll is an obvious troll
  22. fucking pussy ass excuses.... come ride with us, there are plenty of people from up your way riding down, after the ride, meet up with some and grab some grup and kick it for a little while, then after rested, ride back home
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