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Everything posted by Gunner75

  1. here is another example of Harless getting out of hand on a lawfully abiding CHL holder. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VG2TSCpSEVw
  2. Why would they have to ask you for it? The act of open carry isnt a reason to ask for ID of someone
  3. Maybe some of you need to go and google Officer Daniel Harless of Canton Ohio, remember that this cop is still on the Canton Police payroll IIRC. Here is something for starters http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2011/09/02/i-am-going-to-shoot-you-third-explosive-canton-cop-video-emerges/ and this isnt the only instance that Harless has committed. Hes done this several times, and there are plenty of other cops out there like this
  4. A badge of honor? Really? What retarded train did you fall from? I wear my weapon because its what puts me on an even slate to those who would do me or others harm. I live in a small town yes, because that is what I prefer, a small town has less crime.
  5. I think your a lil Magley in training
  6. I would love to see what our newly graduated lawyer has to say on this. I haven't seen him chime in Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  7. The sad shit about Terry stops is it gets used as the basis for stops now just to see if the individual has a weapon. By saying that the person looked suspicious and they believe that they were about to commit a crime Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  8. Come around here, you'll see at least one oc an hour at each of the gas stations here, because that is the norm. Its not uncommon to see guys with AR's on their backs either. Because we have heavy coyote sightings all the time out here and they are getting bolder by coming into town and have snatched up a couple of dogs recently. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  9. And I agree wuth everything you've pointed out, but that does not excuse them to violate his rights Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  10. True but he couldve loaded or unloaded while in the truck. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  11. Don't remind me. I have 2 daughters Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  12. Your only required to have your chl on you if you conceal. If you oc then the chl does nothing but offer an option Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  13. Cop pulled me over tried to give me a ticket for it once. I had to pull uut my manual to prove it to him Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  14. Twas not me, but I would do it if there wasn't incriminating evidence Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  15. My 650 has this one light is low beam the other is high beam Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  16. Again, open carry does happen in Riverside, or there wouldnt be this story, Ive open carried all over the Dayton area, so that makes your idea of Riverside of not having open carry pointless
  17. I open carry everywhere I go, Ive had interactions with officers on a daily basis, and the local chief of police knows I open carry, he doesnt give a damn, his stance on it is, its those people who are carrying that arent supposed to be are the ones hes worried about.
  18. I wouldnt go as far as to say he IS looking for trouble. I believe he did this looking to get an interaction, and looking to have police exposed for violating his rights, I said at the start that he has a habit of doing this, and that is what he does. It just doesnt give the LEO the authorization to violate the rights of the person either.
  19. +rep to you sir I think that is because he would rather have a few rights violated than have to defend his rights from the start
  20. Everyday LEO violate the rights of a person they are interacting with, they do so not understanding the law to begin with. As a citizen who is actively practicing a right that is in the limelight such as gun rights, it happens more often than you think. It pays for myself to have a recording device handy, as well as the laws covering CHL and the second amendment. Because there are so many police officers out there that just dont know the law, and there are those police officers out there that just dont care about the law when it comes to gun rights.
  21. Open carry happens a hell of a lot more then you think it does. The only difference is this one resorts into a news story. Its called following the advice of every NRA/CHL instructor i have ever spoke with.
  22. No its called covering your ass, weve all seen the instances where police officers have lost the recordings in their cars, or the recordings have come up missing. It helps to keep both sides legal, and it provides more evidence if there is ever a doubt of the LEO evidence.
  23. I dont leave the house with a recording device on ready and immediately ask for a 3.6million dollar pay out, I leave the house with my smart phone which has a voice recorder on the main screen incase I get pulled over by a LEO who thinks he is the most knowledgeable LEO on the local force. If I am pulled over I start the recorder up, if that LEO violates my rights, then you bet your sweet ass, ill be speaking with my lawyer on a direction to proceed
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