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Everything posted by Gunner75

  1. there are clouds to the north of us here at my place but they should have minimal impact on seeing them
  2. Because you live in Western Ohio! We dont have curvy hilly roads here
  3. I love the global warming craze, gives me something else to rail on instead of Magley
  4. How much for a Black hoodie with the Ohrdn tag and my SC across the top?
  5. I want your views to actually represent what you say you are. Its fucking common sense for a persons ideas to shape their own political beliefs. You say personally you don't think we should own guns, but your political votes will be in favor of the second amendment because that's where your party line votes. If that's the case then your either confused or fucking stupid because I've never in my 15 years of voting met a single person who's personal views varied from their political views. Ill be honest, your comments on the Chris Kyle threads has my blood boiling. I have to say I wouldn't put it past someone to knock your damn teeth out at how you spoke about him or any other solider, marine, sailor, or airman. Those are my brothers and sisters who I personally served with. I personally take offense to the notion that you would talk down to the people who protect the very freedoms you enjoy. No Libertarian that I know of would speak in such a manner of someone of his caliber. No libertarian that I've ever met would even begin to spew the shit you spew sometimes. You seriously need to check yourself before someone plants a fist in your mouth because its running a mile a minute but you aren't heading the warnings of people who are telling you.
  6. Along with the guy wearing it. The concussion alone would blow ear drums Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  7. I'm telling ya, magley is planning on making a run for office at sometime. He's practicing his sidestepping of questions skills. Eventually were gonna see him smackong babies, and handing out lollipops to bad kids cause its only fair Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  8. I can ride down and meet up with you someplace around cbus then ww can ride down the rest of the way. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  9. I have a contour roam and use the adjustable surface mount. It adjusts on a vertical plane. If I'm taking shots from my bike I use the suction cup mount. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  10. When I went down there with my buddy Rick, we usually hit 669 and 78 often. Both are fun rides. 78 is the road I wrecked on.
  11. I plan to be at the Zanesville meet up at 12 noon. Takes me 2.5 hours to get there from my place
  12. Im heading down to Zanesville to meet a friend of mine to go on a ride on one of two routes to the east of zanesville. Below are the two possible routes. If interested let me know. The original meet up point is at Calvary Chapel Zanesville 25 N 3rd St Zanesville Ohio. From there we will go get a bite to eat then head out. One of the routes is 2hours 10 minutes at 84 miles the other is 4 hours 36 minutes at 185 miles. I think we will be hitting the shorter of the two due to time constraints.
  13. LOL I thought it was but I couldnt remember right off hand
  14. are you kidding? They wouldnt even know what it was, they would probably think it was a belt buckle as well
  15. lol no room on my bike, but i do have some on my truck. Only because I have severe allergic reactions to wasp stings. Like anaphylactic shock type reactions.
  16. I use one of these when I ride. Its definitely secure far better then an ankle holster or a IWB that doesn't have a retention system other then the kydex http://www.undertechundercover.com/
  17. Ive got a 9 inch folding knife that snaps open with my thumb. I keep it on my outter pocket. They dont even want us to defend ourselves if were attacked. They think a passive approach will stop the attack. They wont listen to us in the field so we have to "MAKE DUE" in the best way we can
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSD_5xdcyNM Below is the vlog i did the monday after. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvUganuVCcg
  19. I know and understand that. I use my guns for target shooting and self defense as I'm not a hunter. Don't have the patience for it. Sides I butcher all my own pork, and beef as it is.
  20. This isn't the only time I've had someone get in my face and racially bash me. We are allowed to carry pepper spray, but if your sprayed enough it doesn't work for shit. I was robbed in 2008 at the shell station at West Third and Gettysburg for one of my lottery terminals dude used what looked like a Phoenix Arms .22. Then in late 2007 I was robbed on West Third at some rinky dink store behind the old GM plant off 35 guy took a box of fake scratch off tickets that we use to test our machines, he had a rusty ass steak knife, I was actually laughing at him so hard because he didnt believe me when I told him the tickets were fakes used for testing. Some people wander why I am the way I am, its because of shit like this. Ive had racism pushed on me since I was in grade school. I am prejudiced to automatically assume that when I am in areas such as West Dayton that I will be subjected to racist comments from someone who is black. Sometimes I am pleasantly amazed that it doesn't happen. I was at a place on Cornell called Meat King back in 09. It was well after 8pm on a Saturday night. The people in the store were fine with me being there. Once my job was done there was a security guard who had to have been the biggest damn black man I have ever seen told me that he would walk me out. I asked him why he would need to walk me out, that's when he told me "Because your white, white people aren't welcome in this area after dark" So yeah Ive got damn good reason to think the way I do.
  21. Lol +rep when I get home Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  22. Had to go to The Palms for a lottery service call at 430pm. I end up being there till 7. The place is filling up. I know they've had some trouble there in the past. I believe there was a shooting there last summer and a stabbing at some point. As well as some fights. All goes well up until I'm walking out the god damn door. Thats when some fucking thug looking prick gets in my face and says "Wtf you doin in her cracka? " Its times like this that I wish I was allowed to carry while working. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  23. Wtf for you got an R6 Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
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