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Everything posted by 99FLHRCI

  1. Take the flag to your local VFW they have the proper ceremony for destroying the flag and do it for free.
  2. Yep. Thought I would check though.
  3. I am not involved with the testing this time so I do not know the details. http://www.trcpg.com/researchstudy.asp Pay is $42/hour PLUS mileage to AND from PLUS a performance bonus.
  4. It is not mostly stock but my Type R is for sale. LMK
  5. Looks like it is for sale again: 1991 BMW 318is Tubo 5.0
  6. 99FLHRCI

    Nature Stone

    I agree it looks very commercial/industrial. It also doesn't look very comfy to walk on or lay on. (My parents finished basement has a TV and we always end up watching a movie down there and when the whole family is home someone ends up on the floor.) If you go to the residential photos link, all you see is garages. I think that should be the first hint.
  7. What info are you looking for? PM the VIN and I can get a little info from work.
  8. Closeups of fender rot and hood bend please
  9. I like Crazy Burrito and El Picacho however, they are both out in the Marysville area. Slightly off-topic, has anyone eaten at La Hacienda Real (I know they are closed now)? Do you have any idea what they called the "dip" they served with their chips? It was like refried beans and coleslaw. That was the best part of that place in my opinion and I would like to find another place that serves something similar or a recipe to try myself. http://finerepast.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/hacienda.jpg On the right
  10. TTT $1100 anyone finds a buyer for more then $1100 can keep the FULL difference!
  11. So why did you get a CCW? Your a felon either way.
  12. Timing belt w/ waterpump (like derek said) and a valve adjustment
  13. At some point a decent human being has compassion and the desire to help their fellow man. I would have rushed in without a second thought about my life. If there is a chance no matter how slim, could you live with yourself knowing you let someone die? I couldn't. Don't even try to point out it was a suicide attempt. We all know hind sight is 20/20. In the moment you know there is a burning car and a woman screaming for help. nothing more nothing less.
  14. Got any links or pics of this setup?
  15. So if your wife steers while you are drunk and operating the gas and brake your safe? It would be a stretch and I assume you would have to do something to piss the cop off BUT, there is precedent. Bike DUI Columbus, Ohio Bike DUI Illinois Bike DUI New Jersey "Operate" has a different definition than actually driving down the road. It includes being in control of a vehicle even if parked and not running at the time of the offense. If one is in the driver's location of a stationary vehicle and has the keys close at hand so as to be capable to put the vehicle in motion, it would be considered "operation" and thereby an offense in Ohio. Many cases in Ohio have dealt with various aspects of whether the vehicle was on private property, actually moving, driver actually in driver's seat, keys actually in the ignition and other aspects of operation. A new addition to the code will make actual physical control of the vehicle an offense where normal DUI penalties and punishments apply. "Vehicle" is also broader than the limited application to a car. It includes a motorcycle or bicycle or any device that is moved by power other than human power. Courts have determined that a mounted bicycle, golf cart, tractor, riding lawnmower and other devices are included in the definition of "vehicle". Obviously motorized wheelchairs are excluded. It should be noted here that there are separate code sections for the operation or physical control of watercraft under the influence and it has its own set of definitions.
  16. Did you already install a water pump on it?
  17. LMAO +1 for you good sir.
  18. We didn't have to take panels off for ours but it was an in state title. They just did a general once over to make sure it looked complete and safe and everything functioned.
  19. You are correct. The Photobucket you posted the video from has lots of pics of it, the custom bumper, and custom sub box among other things. Definitely some skill in fabrication.
  20. Not anyone I have done before. They match the title to the VIN on the dash or the door jamb. Nothing else whatsoever.
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