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Everything posted by 99FLHRCI

  1. First, you are assuming they know what the inside is supposed to look like. Most of the girls your going to run into at the bar and go after you because of this car will barely know where to put the fuel. Wheels can be changed on any car and i would lay money that if we were standing in a bar I could point out 10 girls and if you got lucky 1 of them might know what wheel gap was. My fiance doesn't know what it is after being with a car guy who is part of a car family for 8 years. She enjoys many car shows and goes to every car place I go and still won't spot things like that.
  2. I have been told coolant hoses will not work with petroleum. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
  3. I found a goodyear part number but it was a 30' stretch and cost $522. I will call him in the morning.
  4. It is technically a filler hose. The filler neck is steel and I have a new one. To go from the neck to the tank requires 1 foot of filler hose.
  5. Hence why I called it a fuel hose. The common question when I call around for it is f I am trying to fuel a 747 LOL
  6. Doesn't appear to have public sales.
  7. For car guys FAIL For chasing tail at the bars....WIN How many of you think any of the ditzy gold diggers would know the difference? Hit it and quit it like a bauce!
  8. IMO it looks like a decommissioned police car. The black wheels just blend to a big black circle and look like black steelies. All it needs Is a big badge on the door and a light on top. The lack of roof rack adds to this. Something needs to change. Different wheels that either have some machined area or are not at all black or something.
  9. I need 1 ft. of 1 1/4" id fuel hose. This goes between the fuel filler down tube and the inlet to the fuel tank on a '98 Ford Escort SOHC. It is perfectly straight so bulk is fine. I have tried Ford (obsolete), Advanced, AutoZone, Napa, O'Rielly's, JEG's, PepBoys and International Auto. Any suggestions?
  10. I think the distance is a big turn off and the cost. A lot of people go to HD to stand around and see friends they don't see anywhere else. They would rather spend $10 towards dinner and then cruise to HD and talk for free.
  11. try http://www.letmewatchthis.com, it is free
  12. AllData says to do what Derek says BUT, once it is at lock and shut off, apply 15 in Hg to the system for 5 minutes. Then repeat with the wheels all the way to the left. If noise is still there, repeat. If the noise is still there, let it sit overnight and then repeat. It also says to make sure you are using Mercon V fluid (not P/S).
  13. ***UPDATE*** http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=news/local&id=8239612 Warrants have been issued for La Belle's Bodyguard and Hairdresser.
  14. If she resides there, (sounds like she does) you will have to go through the eviction process. Big things they look for to determine residency are: is there mail delivered there, kind and quantity of personal belongings (clothing, hygiene products, etc usually point to a persons residence). I would say that they would take her on the TWOC and probation violation. While that is in process you could begin the eviction process.
  15. So if I walk into a bank with a gun and demand money and the teller tells me no and I leave defeated there was no damage so no crime right? If I walk into a bar carrying a gun, no damage is done so no crime right?
  16. try putting your hand on the fan motor and spinning it by hand or using a stethascope to see if you can feel or hear the bearings being worn out. I would agree the fan is probably old and starting to draw more power.
  17. I think it was wrong of you. If you made an agreement be a man and suck up your lose. If you told him first come first serve then it would be his problem. I think this is one of the many problems in the world today. A person's word is worthless anymore. Personally, my name means something. I just sold a car for $950. while the guy was going to get the cash I had someone show up with $1200. I took his name and number and told him if the other deal fell through. Once I told the guy it was his, I felt at that point it would be breaking a contract, going back on my word and make my name look bad.
  18. 99FLHRCI


    Table is around the corner to the right.
  19. 99FLHRCI


    Stop out Jesse it's been awhile since I have seen you around work. I just got here and am getting a table for 10.
  20. He wasn't charged. He was named as a suspect. Based on that he was demoted, and scheduled to be shipped out.
  21. As cruel as it is many of the family don't want to watch you suffer those last few weeks. Myself I would rather see someone die with a shred of dignity. It is kind of like when you put a pet down to end their suffering. At a certain point in some peoples lifes I wouldn't consider it suicide. If you have never had to bedside with someone who is in such terrible condition that they are in nothing but pain, don't know who they or you are, and have nothing to do but lay there and starve to death or wait for the rest of their body to fail, I hope you never do. I would also have to ask you, how do you feel about people pulling the plug? The only difference between that and what Kevorkian did is, the person dieing makes the decision instead of a family member.
  22. I don't know if it is the same but we have bought DOT 4+ at MAG Volvo and Dublin EuroCars (Mercedes).
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