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Posts posted by 99FLHRCI

  1. service manual details how to do the work..............you should be lucky on that one TJ.................One you get rolling, it s really not that bad from what I can remember


    Biggest problem I have right now is time. Bone wants a tranny dropped at his door (I understand why). I am working full time, remodeling mom and dads house in the evenings and traveling to see dad in the hospital/new house on the weekends. I don't have time to do an oil change let alone try to rebuild my DD tranny.

  2. FHA guarantees the loan. My loan is through Wells Fargo, who didn't want anything to do with me, but the FHA stepped and effectively vouched for me so I could get a loan anyway. The federal government assumes the risk. That risk and the cost of running the FHA are taxpayer expenses. Thanks taxpayers.


    Admittedly, I have no idea if the FHA takes a cut of my house payments (it probably does) and if it actually costs taxpayer money on net. I suspect it's self-sustaining, or close to it. But that's just a WAG.


    I am not saying you are wrong but, I don't think FHA insures or backs the loan. I have an FHA loan and it is through 5/3 and it is backed by Genworth.

  3. Doc really said it.


    I am actually for .gov being off for a week or two. How many millions (or more likely billions) will this keep us from spending for being off a very short period of time? Too much spending going on.


    Problem is in history they usually get back pay. However, contractors are screwed (we won't get back pay and are required to use vacation or take time off without pay). In addition parks and the such are closed so it is a loss of income. Income down, expenses up.


    Even worse news, usually the President in office gets re-elected after a shutdown.

  4. Reputable shops should be willing to do it provided the vehicle is towed in with no tags and you sign a waiver that it is for off-road use only.


    Have you made plans for the check engine light? The fact that the vehicle will lean itself out to limit pollution?

  5. Black


    Regular (Kind of a Dull Gray or Black Chrome)



    They are both Tungsten Carbide. They also make a White that looks like Titanium, Silver, White Gold. I am not a fan of that one though.

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