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Everything posted by 99FLHRCI

  1. When I went to school all the poor kids had a card and got free or reduced meals anyway. I was always jealous because I couldn't get a card and my parents couldn't afoord to buy me school lunches. I got a PB&J sandwich and $.40 to get a milk. Grilled cheese an apple and milk is a step above what I got. Not to mention, between WIC, Welfare, Food Stamps, and any other number of programs for the poor there is no reason that the parents can't provide the kids with a brown bag lunch. I am tired of people getting shit for free and complaining that it is not good enough.
  2. And yet even with the card if a federal officer gets involved you can still be charged. Even the clinics have been raided. http://www.safeaccessnow.org/article.php?id=5654 Bush made the same promises. http://www.drugpolicy.org/news/pressroom/pressrelease/pr020409.cfm As of February 5th the DEA was still raiding dispensaries. Local governments are also cracking down against the sale of Marijuana even in medical form. I do not see a way around this. If there are dry counties I would assume that there could be smokeless counties. I do not see how they could prevent the possession though. I can live or be in a dry county and leave the county to purchase alcohol and return to the dry county so I would assume it would be similar with weed.
  3. Since this article seems to be mainly directed at the black white racial relationship I won't stray from that. 1. I can if I wish arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time. If you cannot think of a place to go hang out where it is all or mostly black you are not trying. There are many clubs, bars, neighborhoods, skate rinks, etc. where white is the minority and you can be guaranteed a few strange looks when you walk in. 5. I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented. One question, when was the last time you saw WET? Not only are blacks on almost every channel, they have their own channel. 6. When I am told about our national heritage or about “civilization,” I am shown that people of my color made it what it is. I do not know about your personal education but, when/where I went to school I primarily learned about the oppression of blacks and their fight to obtain equal rights. I never learned about the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War I or II, Abraham Lincoln, JFK, The Great Depression, or any of the other major events/people in OUR history. However, every year we learned about slavery, segregation, MLK, Rosa Parks, etc. 9. I can go into a music shop and count on finding the music of my race represented, into a supermarket and find the staple foods which fit with my cultural traditions, into a hairdresser’s shop and find someone who can cut my hair. Music, if your music store doesn't have blues, hip-hop, doo-wop, 50's 60's 70's rock, or any of the many other types of music including music from many countries that are predominantly black it is a very small genre specific store. Food, almost every major store has an ethnic aisle. It is just as hard if not harder to find a true German food section or a true Norwegian, etc store/restaurant/aisle then it is to find true African cuisine. I am sorry but this is America most stores generally stock American cuisine. Hairdresser's, go to any predominantly black neighborhood or any high end salon and someone can do your hair. It is not white privilege that the majority of the world's races have similar hair and you happen to be one of the minority that don't. Would this be Hispanic, Asian, etc privilege to then? I picked just a few of the topics as this is already to long and I have wasted to much time on it. There are tons of pieces of work about how the white's are privileged and how they oppress everyone else. It gets old and it gets repetitive. I am not going to dispute that at a point in American history that blacks were severely oppressed and that it has not quite been equaled out. However, I ask you to look at a white person and tell me what you know about them. Can you even tell me what country they are from? Any of their background or can you just tell me they are white so they are guilty. White is such a broad term it is ridiculous. For example, I am 75% German, my great grandparents (both sides) fled to the US in the early 40's to avoid Nazi powers/oppression, however I have been blamed MANY times for what my ancestors did to slaves in the US. What about the minority privilege? Why can anyone of the white race not start a white only t.v. channel, a white only circus, a white only college or college fund, etc etc etc. It would immediately be seen a racist group or front for a group. It would be nicer to even break it down into sub-groups within the white race. If I was to go out and start a German channel, German college fund, etc it would almost immediately be associated with Nazi and white power skinheads.
  4. http://www.carbonmotors.com/pdf/comparison.pdf The Carbon E7 comes turnkey. Not only does that save on conversion costs it also makes a safer vehicle. Things like no lap tops flying around the car when involved in a wreck. It also allows for easier in and out for the cops and the arrested. This (according to there website) is where the majority of officer related injuries occur. Sounds like a big savings to the taxpayer in the form of less workman's comp.
  5. Government siezed equipment http://gsaauctions.gov I always wondered where to find all the stuff you hear about on t.v. All the siezed property. When I started working as a government contractor I found some of those sights. This sight has TONS of surplus and siezed property. Unfortunatly, I cannot buy anything from it. I still look it over every now and then out of curiousity. I noticed under vehicles and then search by state, under Michigan, there was a bunch of speed shop stuff. The biggest problem is anything you buy on this sight is "AS IS WHERE IS". Here at work we often post stuff on this site. Everything from tires, to computers, to vehicles. I am not sure if this is the right spot to post this but, I thought some people may be interested.
  6. Double post on accident
  7. If you can get some pics I am interested. Any name on them other then weatherwise?
  8. Just search MIL Eliminator or O2 Simulator in google and you will find tons of sites detailing how to take 2 spark plug non-foulers and use them to do what your asking. You may have to sift through a few pages trying to sell you $20 resistors but there are tons with the version you want.
  9. http://trueteaser.com/tonya/?id=nnl8n4oscdmrz8pyad0iht0gyi4r82
  10. I think it has more to do with a plea agreement.
  11. http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2008/12/29/linn.html?type=rss&cat=&sid=101 Did anyone see this yet? Repost? Does he get to keep the car or did he surrender it as part of the plea?
  12. It was probably raining inside the dyno, explains the wipers and the fact that the car was slipping everywhere. 2000hp is hard to handle in the rain.
  13. STFU! You got no clue what you are talking about. No where in here are pitbulls mentioned. He responibly breeds Dalmations. He has another personal dog that was in his yard and got knocked up by a neighbor's dog that had got loose. He wants to get rid of them to good homes instead of dumping them in the wild or at a pound. If you have nothing better to say then make accusations based off it's a guy and he has dogs, then go shit in another thread. :asshole:
  14. He said he will be home by 5pm tonite and you can come get them. He just tried getting on and it will not let him few the forums. I was standing right behind him as he did it. If you have any questions feel free to call me and I will get answers ASAP.
  15. He said he has tried to email you back. He still has 2 black males and 1 black female. He cannot get on this site so you have to get ahold of him on his home e-mail or call him. He said you can come pick on up the 23 or 24. Call me if you need help getting ahold of him (he sits in the cube next to me). He remembers you wanted a black male and they are still available. My number is 937-243-4521.
  16. Just to prove an example of the manufacturer clearing themselves of any possible charges, this is taken directly from M&H's website. # Due to conditions under which they are expected to operate M&H Racemaster tires are sold as is and M&H Tire Company Inc., makes no warranty express or implied as to the merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose or otherwise with respect to M&H Racemaster tires and shall not be liable for any special or consequential damages arising out of use thereof. # All D.O.T. tires have passed D.O.T. requirements but have reduced skid depth to facilitate racing without the expense of buffing of 50 to 60% of the skid that is standard on D.O.T. tires produced for normal highway use. Due to the reduced skid depth these tires are not recommended for normal highway use and are not economical for normal highway use as the expected miles of wear is greatly reduced due in part to the original shallow skid depth. In addition they note "Designed For Dry Pavement Racing Only". They know what people intend them to be used for but, they do everything they have to to make that intended use against there policy. If M&H was brought to trial all of these would be used in addition to them claiming that they are intended for track events limited to street legal cars. Any use other then that is not their intended use and outside of the design specs.
  17. Your choice of what you supply. I do not understand how they say "Classis and Stylish with plenty of Power". It doesn't have ANY power. You have to supply that on top of the $68k you have already spent. It does say for a price the dealer can supply the motor/transmission but I am almost afraid to ask what they would charge for it plus installation. I wonder what the warranty actually covers?
  18. I only made it 50 sec in and had to shut it off. I could see in an extreme fit of rage after the guy had done something terrible to one of my loved ones but, purely for enjoyment? Those are some sick fuckers.
  19. http://maps.live.com/#JnE9eXAuNjArd2VhdmVyK2hpbGwrcmQlMmMrd2VzdCtncmVlbndpY2grcmklN2Vzc3QuMCU3ZXBnLjEmYmI9NTguNTg1NDM1NjkxMTk5MiU3ZS0zOC4yMzI0MjE4NzUlN2UxMS45NTMzNDkzOTM2NDM0JTdlLTExNS43NTE5NTMxMjU= Check out Microsoft Live Maps Bird's Eye View. Even cooler if you download the 3D option.
  20. The website has Jan 09 and Mar 09 but no Feb?
  21. The full length first video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI_gNQLmTM0
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzif078Pn2E&feature=related
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