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Posts posted by ninjachic

  1. The first time I rode on the street I took my 76 cb down the road to a curvy gravel and pot hole covered road. I figured if I could make it down that road in one piece I may be ok with riding. But I'm known as being a little crazy.

    Well I have been on a few main roads. I've been on Riverside Drive for like 2 seconds and I did go 45mph on Zollinger right past a cop. That was fun!!!! So after that I think I might be ok riding neighborhoods and whatnot. I just need to get used to being around other cars. that's what scares me.

  2. a Friend of my job just got a job doing the same thing. Be yourself for the most part. Don't try to be someone you're not. They are really good at picking that up. They will ask for references and will actually sit down and drill those references. I had to do it for my friend and I felt like I was being interrogated for murder. So this interview wont be like any other. Stay relaxed and stay calm and you'll be fine.

  3. I agree with the church parking lot or even a school parking lot during off hours. I practiced there endlessly until I felt comfortable. Enjoy!


    I did a lot of the church parking lots earlier. I need to venture out a little bit from there. I'm quite comfortable there, I need to get comfortable at higher speeds and around other cars. that's my thing now.

  4. Are they just going to ask her to leave, or are they going to impound the bike?

    Seems like the former is much more likely, and totally harmless. Better to ask forgiveness than permission on this one?

    In the alternative, I would find a large church parking lot on a saturday morning.

    OH that's a good one thanks. I think there are a few close by. Just hope I get my bike back soon and the weather holds for just a little bit longer so I can get some more ride time before I gotta store it for the winter.

  5. I am planning on taking the MSF course in the spring but until then providing the weather holds up, I need some place to ride around a bit to get some more time on the bike before then. I live close to UA off of Henderson, does anyone know of any good places around there to go?

  6. Guns arent the problem. It's stupid people who own them that are. If your gonna pull a gun on someone, you need to make its something you absolutely need to do. When we lived in Florida, my Mom work at the ER in Miami. There was a cop who was walking around and all he saw was what he thought was a gun pointed at him. So he shot what would have been the shoulder of an adult, turns out it was the head of a 12 year old kid with a water gun. People just need to be more careful with them that all.

  7. QFT

    They have shown repeatedly that they want to control the market and then stifle progress so they can get the highest profit margin without putting money into R&D and innovation. "Bing it" (as well as "duckduckgo it", although that is my personal preference) didn't catch on like "Google it" and they are all pissy, so they have to do something. The problem with their plan is that they are not the near monopoly they once were and Google is a giant company with the $$$ to push back. Frankly I think the whole patent office screwed the pooch and these companies need to find a new past time

    I completely agree.

  8. Wow. turns out I think I'm gonna have some fun with you all. I don't mind the comments about the leg humpers. I'm used to it. I'll work on some more pics for everyone tonight. and Thanks again everyone.

  9. haha. my sandwich making skills arent too bad though i never eat sandwiches. i've made spaghetti a few times and its good. lots of people love my cooking. thanks for all the tips everyone as well. and thanks for all the welcomes.

  10. Girls actually ride their own motorcycles?

    That's dangerous.

    Any chick that has time to be riding a motorcycle isn't doing enough baking and vacuuming.

    I suck at baking but I am one hell of a good cook and I do do plenty of cooking!!!!

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