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Posts posted by ninjachic

  1. I never made size claims, and I tend to work more with my tongue anyway. That sets me apart and keeps em coming back because most guys slack off in that area ;)

    wow I think you just cock blocked yourself by not denying your small!!

  2. This is true, but the stories..Im not sure which ones you've heard so Im not claiming them lol. I go all or nothing though, the middle ground is where boing happens :)

    In person you'll find it amazing ;)

    Yeah the last small dick I saw, I laughed at it too.

  3. on intro threads from women? yep, and just so im not contributing anymore than anyone else, good luck and there are some really knowledgeable people here!! and some that just know big words so that sound good.....

    oh i've noticed. haha

  4. Its not cocky if you can back it up, I'm not cocky I'm confident. ;)

    hahaha i've heard all that before honey. It's a fine line between confidence and cockiness. 99.9% of the time its pure cockiness!!!!

  5. Ive not even begun to put effort in, nor asked for a number. Im just friendly and shiet. If I had put effort in you would be 4 pages into taking notes by now and niether her nor I would have any posts on here because we would be too dehydrated to type. ;)

    oh somebody's cocky. step in line boy. you're gonna have to work harder than the rest of them to get at this chic

  6. Dude! If you don't have her phone number by now you're slacking. By now, with all the effort you've put in, you should be in the middle of a sketti dinner.



    you're right he is slacking hard core right now!!!! he's gotta work a lot harder if he wants my number

  7. Thought this thread was about the show. :/

    Anyways, welcome! Don't hesitate to use the forum vendors for help on anything you need for you or your bike.

    Thanks, Next spring, I KNOW I will need to take you up on that cuz I'm sure there is a lot my bike needs.

  8. equal opportunity?

    I can't believe you guys missed this. You all are getting slow in your old age :nono:

    A friend of mine just had this happen to her on Sunday. Not really out in the open, building on one side, tree on the other and her car on the 3rd side. It did not turn out well for the car or the bike :nono:

    DAMN!!!! My bikes already pretty banged up from the previous owner but I'd like not to bang it up more so. Guess I'll have to figure something out until I move.

  9. you forgot "...often compared to a Pringles can..."

    mebbe you just didn't wanna overwhelm her?

    One You Pop, You Can't Stop!!!!! YEAH!!!! I dont scare easily!!!! I'm feisty and stubborn as hell.

  10. There are several on here that have extra garage space that they offer up for the winter and some that go in together on a storage space for the winters. Just gotta start a thread that you are looking

    well I'm moving either in Dec or Jan and will have a garage then. So I'm just gonna keep it at my apt complex until I move then I can put it in my new garage. I also just want a cover for it while I have it at my apt complex because I still plan on trying to ride it a little bit before it gets way to cold.

  11. Lemme get my list all checked off:

    1.) Welcome (read: What's your number so I can Brett Favre your phone every couple hours until the court order gets pushed through. Yes, that last part is also a euphemism. Get used to it.)

    2.) I think you guys all have some good points, and everyone should ride the way that they feel the most comfortable (read: Everyone one of you that doesn't share my opinion is an ignorant twat waffle. This is everyone)

    3.) Think of your favorite political figure. I now hate them. And you for thinking about them. (read: for Cheech's derailment pleasure)

    4.) Something about jbot's mom. (read: Something about jbots mom)

    1) thank you however you'd have to work to get my number. I not that easy.

    2) thanks again. I appreciate that.

    3) HATE POLITICS!!!! So you've failed at that one.

    4) is jbot's mom hot?

  12. I could step up my game and go into detail about the ability to lick my eyebrows and breath thru my ears, or being like the energizer bunny. Could even start the cheesy lines that would make you turn to butter in my hands or better yet send you Picts of the epic jello filled hot tub at the last big get together.....but then you wouldn't leave me alone and Dani would get a lil smitten so it would be all bad plus you'd both be beating down the door tonight and I already have plans plus I have not restocked enough jello yet. Sooooo I've just kept it to a minimum trying to give one of the other members a chance ;)


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