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Posts posted by ninjachic

  1. Check the charging system. I had a similar issue once and it turns out that the stator wires were shorted so I wasn't getting any power to charge the battery. It was a champ though, I rode it for miles before it failed, pushed it and rode it some more but it was rough

    thanks. I think i'm just gonna have somebody go over it in detail a bit more before i ride it again.

  2. One of my friends opened a gluten free store last year, the products weren't too bad. Beats paying $400 a month for some pill for the rest of your life when you can just eat healthier and not spend $400. Chances are that insurance/job will change, a new healthier life style won't and its cheaper ;)

    seriously? where did she open the store? I might be interested in taking a look.

  3. If Iwere closer, a lot closer, i'd have come and given you a hand...

    thanks. I appreciate it. I got it taken care of. rough day today so I'm gonna go to bed and try not to do anything stupid tomorrow. haha

  4. consider getting active on whatever ninja/EX250 forums there are out there and getting some pointers. on the way home after your savior got it running, did it run normally, or harsh, irregularly, sputtering, etc etc?

    another suggestion: i highly recommend upping your ante, with cooking, cookies, and beer.

    oh I can make cookies too. they'll probably be gluten free though. and I cant have beer so I never have any here. but I'm sure if someone is willing to help look over my bike i will cook for them and buy them cookies and beer. :D

  5. if any of you went on the dream ride on the 6th, you probably met him and know he's a good guy and wouldnt do anything to harm my bike. now if anyone in cbus would be willing to come look at it for me, I would much appreciate it.

    I'll cook!!!!

  6. I made it home. Thankfully my ex saw the thread and seeing as he lives like 5 min away he came and get it running and made sure I got home safe. Yes I will edit out my number.

    and yes Larry I tried it with the reserve.

    Not sure what was wrong but it runs now. thinking I may need to have someone tear it apart and really look at it before i try to ride it again.

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