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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. And sorry but I don't recall mentioning anything about my friends wanting to fuck me.
  2. I don't even own whips and chains. I was kidding.
  3. no offense but what I got out of that and from what it seems is that guys can joke around and make those comments but it's not ok for a girl to chime in.
  4. I'm sorry. This week has been a little rough for me. So Im sorry for trying to have a little fun to put a smile on my face for the first time in days.
  5. You have never met me nor know anything about me so do not judge me because of a few little things you have read.
  6. No I'm done. You all get pissed because you can't handle a girl keeping up. There have been plenty of posts that have been so much worse but everyone flips out when I girl posts it. So no I'm not gonna continue the convo.
  7. Ok I'm done. Not attention whore. I'm just bored at work.
  8. Oh and I almost forgot. Someone is going to have to remind me to pack my leather body suit. Hand cuffs. Chains. Ball. And of course my whip!
  9. Oh so is the lube so I can fit my fist up your ass?
  10. Oh honey you may be close to being the age of my daddy but you ain't never gonna be my daddy nor would I call you so.
  11. Haha. Now lets see how the big boys can handle this girl!
  12. Oh and it'll take more than 1/2 dozen swigs to get me to scream.
  13. Haha my shell? I have a shell? I don't see a shell!
  14. Haha I can think of a couple people you ask about me "being all talk" but then of course to keep the fail sauce from continuing in this thread I can't tell you who. And it wouldn't be fair to them so I'm gonna let you figure it out.
  15. Haha. What's the main event? If it involved your dick, I'm scared because I don't know If I want to touch that after hutch!!!
  16. I was gonna say it could not have been the best ever because it wasnt done by me. Then I changed my mind because I'm sure I guy really knows what he is doing.
  17. Am I think only person who has wondered why Hand Sanitizers saw waterless yet one of the ingredients is water?
  18. Most cross dressers, you can tell they are cross dressers. We have a few patients that are and the "girls" will flip on you call them he or him. So just ask him "how are you doing today sir....i mean ma'am?" and see what kind of a look you get.
  19. Would he give it to me as a house warming gift?
  20. Thank you so much. That means the world to me right now.
  21. Thanks again. It is really appreciated right now through this very hard time for all of us.
  22. Thanks. and thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I got a call this morning telling me that the baby died this morning.
  23. we can still hope for brain damage!
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