Besides I am not gonna put naked pics if myself on a public forum. Not that I haven't sent naked pics before of myself. I just need me a sammich first!
haha. wow. Don't remember any of this last night. Definitely was an entertaining read for me the next morning. Kind of makes me wonder what else I did last night.
first off theres no K in ninjachic. and I'm drunk and can still type that very slowly. and secondly i'm an esthetician who works and grew up with a plastic surgeon.
pretty drunk. and its difficu.t when you cant see what ur takin a pic of!! no y our not. you gave be neg rep. thats not merficul,. besides my vibrator does good enough when i need it.
and btw Big Cheif. Thanks for the negative rep. I'm not trying for a hook up. I'm trying to be funny. 99.9% of the time, I'm not serious about sex! Just have a sadistic dry sarcasm. or did you not read the rest of this thread?
happy new year. I til drunk. I decided to actually go out with friends. needless to say, they cant handle their alcohol, so I drank all of their champagne.