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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. I could def use a million dollars! Well now you make me seem like a cheap whore. Come on now. I'm worth more than that!
  2. So does that mean that the best way to get over a dick, is to get on top of a different one?
  3. exactly. Why would I send something like this for free? How much are those pics worth to you?
  4. Stop playing with the right one so much!
  5. Oh I'm sure you can just figure out who already has pics and y'all can just share them!
  6. Besides I am not gonna put naked pics if myself on a public forum. Not that I haven't sent naked pics before of myself. I just need me a sammich first!
  7. I've tried the whole webcam. It isn't easy with the mouse so close to the computer. I'd rather have someone else just take the pics
  8. Those pics always suck. I hate taking pics in mirrors.
  9. haha wow. and I even know what i was trying to say there and what I meant by it and everything. and correction whiskey and champagne is awesome.
  10. haha. wow. Don't remember any of this last night. Definitely was an entertaining read for me the next morning. Kind of makes me wonder what else I did last night.
  11. ok me go sleepy biut dont let thix thread die!q cuz do to soeojne i have to keep mh sarcastic sexual comments to one thread
  12. first off theres no K in ninjachic. and I'm drunk and can still type that very slowly. and secondly i'm an esthetician who works and grew up with a plastic surgeon.
  13. now thats even more difficult. btw i'm ashamed of you guys that I had to bring this thread back. ya'll need to live up ro your reputatiop!!!!!
  14. pretty drunk. and its difficu.t when you cant see what ur takin a pic of!! no y our not. you gave be neg rep. thats not merficul,. besides my vibrator does good enough when i need it.
  15. well it would be better if I had some help.
  16. and btw Big Cheif. Thanks for the negative rep. I'm not trying for a hook up. I'm trying to be funny. 99.9% of the time, I'm not serious about sex! Just have a sadistic dry sarcasm. or did you not read the rest of this thread?
  17. i'm too drunk to take pics me meself!
  18. oh I'm sure someone on here has gotten a hold of some floating around and can post them.
  19. I'm drunk and horny so bringing this thread back. haha
  20. and happy new year again. Though this thread was posted first but I saw the other one first.
  21. happy new year. I til drunk. I decided to actually go out with friends. needless to say, they cant handle their alcohol, so I drank all of their champagne.
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