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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. i work til 4 that day, so i could def swing over when I get off if youll still be going by then.
  2. Tomatoes are awesome!!!!! especially cooked in the oven with mozzarella and basil!
  3. Well that depends on how you read it. I see it as it showing that yes there was something wrong with them. However, they just werent prescribed the right meds.
  4. I'm all for that!!!!!! exactly, that person didnt get to know you at all before saying, hey take these drugs and get better. I wish I could go off mine. I hate them but I know what happens when I dont take them, I feel like i'm going crazy. So I have no choice for right now but to take them until I can slowly ween off of them which I really hope is sooner rather than later.
  5. He isnt blaming the drugs, he's blaming how they are prescribed which goes back to...wait for it.....blaming people!
  6. Alex, You are completely right. Most of those are anti-depressants. There are a very very high percentage of Americans that are on Anti-depressants. Most of them probably shouldnt be. They were probably misdiagnosed by a doctor who doesnt do his job correctly. I'm not afraid to say that I myself am on anti-depressants. When on higher doses, If you skip a dosage for 2 or more days, you literally feel like you are going crazy. I think more should be done about the medications, kids are taking.
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