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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. This just made me laugh and cry. http://oodera.com/2012/12/14/someone-tried-to-kill-justin-bieber/
  2. There is nothing like tomato soup and gluten-free grilled cheese sammiches to make a sick girl feel better!
  3. I'm in the process of moving into my new condo. I want some hookers and blow!
  4. Well every one has to have a gift right.
  5. I thought swallowing would help. However it sure didnt help the damage to the back of my throat!
  6. I hate when I have an awesome weekend with someone and they end up getting me sick.
  7. This is too early to go to work. Who the fuck is going to the mall at 8:00am on a sat anyways.
  8. Why are you welcome? It wasnt from you!
  9. I finally got me whiskey and sammich. YAY. and no it wasnt from r1. I is happy now.
  10. That and forcing yourself not to have it throws off the hormones even more so.
  11. https://twitter.com/Ryan__Lanza And that's his twitter page. Kinda obvious he was messed up.
  12. http://www.newtownyouthandfamilyservices.org/donate.php A site for donations for the families involved in the shootings.
  13. Her skipping those sugar pills will throw her hormones off even more so. They are there for a reason, she probably shouldnt skip them.
  14. right sorry http://www.ctpost.com/news/article/Source-29-dead-including-22-children-in-Newtown-4118505.php
  15. Lastest update I've found from a conneticut site, 29 dead, 22 of which are children. Just one shooter, who is dead, and they found the body of what they think is his mother at his house.
  16. No matter how many shooters they are, that pisses me off that any one of those shooters are dead. It's people like that why we should be able to torture people. Call me whatever, but seriously? That's a sick fuck right there and getting shot, or just rotting in jail or whatever, is getting off too easy. Those are CHILDREN who have their whole lives ahead of them, and some crazy psycho fuck has to take that all away from them. Sorry people like that just really piss me off. I lost a good friend when I was little to gun violence and stories like this just take me right back to that.
  17. Well then I may have to cook for you and your girl some time!
  18. no but we cook for you, right?
  19. haha. well guess you're dating the wrong girl. Just a suggestion to make that week easier on the guys. Hell, I used to either make or buy ex something or just make him a really good meal just for the hell of it all the time, and he never ever got me anything or made me anything. Usually during that week, he'd stay away anyways even though I'm not as bad as some girls. Yea, I can get bitchy, but I've learned to control it.
  20. well that's what I get for not going through all the posts first.
  21. might want to take you're own advice if you are going to give it because that is a repost!
  22. As a female, I agree with these mostly. Although usually for me, I'm all stay the fuck away from me, but maybe that is just me. But for that week, a bottle of wine, popcorn and some chocolate while watching a chick flick usually works for most girls. Hey maybe even try giving her a rose every day during that week or something just to make her to feel special. It helps with the hormones. Also during that time, we have a tendency to really bottle things up. So just be a little extra sweet, and always as her how her day is going and if she needs and anything. and maybe even rub her feet. It'll make that week easier on you.
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